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Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 12:36 am
by OjitroC
This is another SP map for UT (using oldskool) that hasn't been mentioned on here before and is worth checking out by those interested in playing SP. Made by UBerserker, it's a large, sunbaked Egyptian/Sci-Fi themed map. It can be download here Xeiops and this is a lengthy and detailed Review - this more than adequately describes what you can expect to find in the map. I thought everything was well handled with nicely scripted events and lots of informative translator and on-screen messages, plenty of challenging combats coupled with opportunities to explore and take in the grandeur of the architecture (and it is grand, in scale and conception).

A novel feature of the map is that it uses a combination of modified Unreal and UT weapons and scriptedpawns, plus a few pawns drawn from EXU - all of this makes for a SP experience that is a little out of the ordinary and certainly worth becoming absorbed in.

There are several screenshots in the thread noted above but this is one of the start of the map - this gives a good indication of the nature of the spaces that the player moves through and of the scale and overall design of the map.
It does need a good renderer - D3D10 or EXUOpenGL are recommended - I used the latter and found it excellent, better than the OpenGL that comes with 469b.