Loathsomes dynamic radius adjustment technique - Beta 0.2x

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Loathsomes dynamic radius adjustment technique - Beta 0.2x

Post by MrLoathsome »

Not sure if this is worthy of discussion or not, but it is working so well in testing I thought I would share it.

No doubt somebody has used a similar method at some point, but don't recall having seen any examples like
this for Uscript. I am probably re-writing something I forgot I read the 1st time. It is so simple.....
(Let me know.) I believe this could easily be adapted to other applications.

In this case, I was needing pawns to do a RadiusActor check for other pawns in the area, both when they are 1st spawned, and
when they take damage from anything. This check had to be as efficient as possible, and I also wanted it to adjust in real
time to both the size of the map, and the number of pawns in it, and where the pawns were at.

Obviously this technique can't be used in cases when you have to find a target in every check, but it seems to adjust
to the ideal radius after only a few checks in most cases I have tested so far.

I came up with a way that requires 2 variables and 1 If statement.

1 Global variable:

Code: Select all

var float	attackRadius;
Initialize this var to 30, or 500, or 1000, or whatever you may guess might be close to the "Optimal" radius value.

1 local variable in the function you are doing the foreach RadiusActors() check.

Code: Select all

 local int racnt;
The check itself: (aVictim is a local pawn variable, V is the location you want the check to start at....)

Code: Select all

     foreach RadiusActors(class'Pawn', aVictim, attackRadius, V)
            if (..whatever checks on aVictim you need....)
                    ... do all your cool stuff
The line that autoadjusts. Place directly below the above check:

Code: Select all

     if (racnt == 0) attackRadius += attackRadius * 0.25; else attackRadius -= attackRadius * 0.25;
You could adjust the 0.25 value that is used in that line, to fine tune the adjustment if needed.
If there is a chance in your application where the attackRadius might get out of usable range, you could add
a check on the attackRadius value right after the above statement.
In testing, the value has never gotten out of range yet, but I will probably add a check before final release just to cover
unforeseen circumstances.

Check this slightly trimmed down version of a log file with the above working in real time with log statements.
3 maps, all different sizes. 1st, a very small CTF map. 2nd a large sniper type map. 3rd Good old DM-Curse][.

This is from a test of the current unreleased BadNews! v4. It is doing the above check in 2 different functions.

1. When BadNews itself spawns a monster. (The SetupMonster log entries.)
2. Whenever a monster kills something, it will look for a new victim. (The MTD log entries.)

Tests all ran with my UTSPFix gametypes, and 3 other mutators you will see in the log:

Code: Select all

Log: Game class is 'CTF_SPGame'
Log: Level is Level CTF-2on2-Crates.MyLevel
Log: Bringing Level CTF-2on2-Crates.MyLevel up for play (0)...
ScriptLog: InitGame: ?Game=UTSPFix2.CTF_SPGame?Mutator=BN4.BN,DoubleJumpUT.DoubleJumpUT,MoreBloodOS.MB,MGP2.MG?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=255?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is CTF-2on2-Crates.DMMutator0
ScriptLog: Mutators BN4.BN,DoubleJumpUT.DoubleJumpUT,MoreBloodOS.MB,MGP2.MG
ScriptLog: Add mutator BN4.BN
ScriptLog: *** Initializing BadNews!
ScriptLog: Add mutator DoubleJumpUT.DoubleJumpUT
ScriptLog: Add mutator MoreBloodOS.MB
ScriptLog: MaxBleeders = 13  BleedTime = 8.312583  BDLifeSpan = 19.950453  BDDrawScale = 0.288357  SpurtLevel = 34.763248
ScriptLog: Add mutator MGP2.MG
ScriptLog: Found CTF-2on2-Crates.Armor0 at 1312.000000,863.999939,-494.575592
ScriptLog: Found CTF-2on2-Crates.Armor1 at -32.000061,-1631.999634,-497.363434
ScriptLog: Initiating local logging...
Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport WindowsViewport0
ScriptLog: Team 255
ScriptLog: Login: Player
Log: Possessed PlayerPawn: TMale2 CTF-2on2-Crates.TMale2
Init: Initialized moving brush tracker for Level CTF-2on2-Crates.MyLevel
DevAudio: Galaxy SetViewport: WindowsViewport0
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUT can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUT is running.
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 750.000000  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 562.500000  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 421.875000  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 527.343750  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 395.507813  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 296.630859  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 222.473145  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 166.854858  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 208.568573  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 156.426422  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 117.319817  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 146.649765  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 109.987320  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUT can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUT is running.
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 82.490494  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 103.113113  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 128.891388  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 161.114227  racnt: 0
ScriptWarning: Slith CTF-2on2-Crates.Slith2 (Function Engine.Pawn.AdjustHitLocation:003A) GetAnimGroup: Sequence 'Fighter' not found in Mesh 'Slith1'
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 120.835670  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 151.044586  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUT can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUT is running.
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 188.805725  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 236.007156  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: botmatchstep 1 done
Log: URL: Adding default option Name=Player
Log: URL: Adding default option Class=Botpack.TMale2
Log: URL: Adding default option team=255
Log: URL: Adding default option skin=SoldierSkins.blkt
Log: URL: Adding default option Face=SoldierSkins.Othello
Log: Browse: DM-Bathroom-Cow-Beta6.unr?Game=UTSPFix2.DM_SPGame?Mutator=BN4.BN,DoubleJumpUT.DoubleJumpUT,MoreBloodOS.MB,MGP2.MG?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=255?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello
Log: LoadMap: DM-Bathroom-Cow-Beta6.unr?Game=UTSPFix2.DM_SPGame?Mutator=BN4.BN,DoubleJumpUT.DoubleJumpUT,MoreBloodOS.MB,MGP2.MG?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=255?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello
DevAudio: Galaxy SetViewport: WindowsViewport0
Init: Shut down moving brush tracker for Level CTF-2on2-Crates.MyLevel
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package CTF-2on2-Crates
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Razor-ub
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package BN4
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package DoubleJumpUT
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package MGP2
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package CommandoSkins
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package FCommandoSkins
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package AmbOutside
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package UTcrypt
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Indus6
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package NaliFX
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package skybox
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package DoorsAnc
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package DM-Agony
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Crypt2
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package NaliCast
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package shanechurch
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Course
Log: Garbage: objects: 30232->26026; refs: 374060
Log: Game class is 'DM_SPGame'
Log: Level is Level DM-Bathroom-Cow-Beta6.MyLevel
Log: Bringing Level DM-Bathroom-Cow-Beta6.MyLevel up for play (0)...
ScriptLog: InitGame: ?Game=UTSPFix2.DM_SPGame?Mutator=BN4.BN,DoubleJumpUT.DoubleJumpUT,MoreBloodOS.MB,MGP2.MG?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=255?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is DM-Bathroom-Cow-Beta6.DMMutator1
ScriptLog: Mutators BN4.BN,DoubleJumpUT.DoubleJumpUT,MoreBloodOS.MB,MGP2.MG
ScriptLog: Add mutator BN4.BN
ScriptLog: *** Initializing BadNews!
ScriptLog: Add mutator DoubleJumpUT.DoubleJumpUT
ScriptLog: Add mutator MoreBloodOS.MB
ScriptLog: MaxBleeders = 24  BleedTime = 4.665010  BDLifeSpan = 15.785951  BDDrawScale = 0.598534  SpurtLevel = 19.076519
ScriptLog: Add mutator MGP2.MG
ScriptLog: Found DM-Bathroom-Cow-Beta6.Suits0 at 1701.930176,451.610840,-1496.899170
ScriptLog: Found DM-Bathroom-Cow-Beta6.SCUBAGear0 at 501.919952,-2830.068848,-4411.184082
ScriptLog: Initiating local logging...
Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport WindowsViewport0
ScriptLog: Team 255
ScriptLog: Login: Player
Log: Possessed PlayerPawn: TMale2 DM-Bathroom-Cow-Beta6.TMale3
Init: Initialized moving brush tracker for Level DM-Bathroom-Cow-Beta6.MyLevel
DevAudio: Galaxy SetViewport: WindowsViewport0
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUT can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUT is running.
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 1250.000000  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 1562.500000  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 1953.125000  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 1464.843750  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 1831.054688  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 2288.818359  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 2861.022949  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 2145.767090  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 1609.325317  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 1206.994019  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 905.245483  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 678.934082  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 509.200562  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 636.500732  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 795.625916  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 994.532410  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 745.899292  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 932.374146  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 1165.467651  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 1456.834595  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 1821.043213  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 2276.303955  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 1707.228027  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 2134.035156  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 2667.543945  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 3334.429932  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 2500.822510  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 3126.028076  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 2344.520996  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 2930.651367  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 2197.988525  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 2747.485596  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 2060.614258  racnt: 4
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 2575.767822  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 3219.709717  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 2414.782227  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 3018.477783  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 3773.097168  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 4716.371582  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 3537.278809  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 2652.958984  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 1989.719238  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 2487.148926  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 1865.361694  racnt: 4
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 2331.702148  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 1748.776611  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 2185.970703  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 2732.463379  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 2049.347656  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 2561.684570  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 1921.263428  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: Game ended at 1453.576660
ScriptLog: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CALC END STATS
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 2401.579346  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: ProcessServerTravel: DM-Curse][.unr
Log: Server switch level: DM-Curse][.unr
Log: Browse: DM-Curse][.unr?Game=UTSPFix2.DM_SPGame?Mutator=BN4.BN,DoubleJumpUT.DoubleJumpUT,MoreBloodOS.MB,MGP2.MG?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=255?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello
Log: LoadMap: DM-Curse][.unr?Game=UTSPFix2.DM_SPGame?Mutator=BN4.BN,DoubleJumpUT.DoubleJumpUT,MoreBloodOS.MB,MGP2.MG?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=255?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello
DevAudio: Galaxy SetViewport: WindowsViewport0
Init: Shut down moving brush tracker for Level DM-Bathroom-Cow-Beta6.MyLevel
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package FCommandoSkins
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package SGirlSkins
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package MGP2
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package DoorsMod
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package DoubleJumpUT
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package DM-Bathroom-Cow-Beta6
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package BRdmSE
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package SkyCity
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Starship
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Coret_FX
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package hubeffects
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Slums
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Scripted
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package AmbModern
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package eol
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Liquids
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package GenIn
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Pan1
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package BN4
Log: Garbage: objects: 30328->25332; refs: 346177
Log: Game class is 'DM_SPGame'
Log: Level is Level DM-Curse][.MyLevel
Log: Bringing Level DM-Curse][.MyLevel up for play (0)...
ScriptLog: InitGame: ?Game=UTSPFix2.DM_SPGame?Mutator=BN4.BN,DoubleJumpUT.DoubleJumpUT,MoreBloodOS.MB,MGP2.MG?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=255?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is DM-Curse][.DMMutator2
ScriptLog: Mutators BN4.BN,DoubleJumpUT.DoubleJumpUT,MoreBloodOS.MB,MGP2.MG
ScriptLog: Add mutator BN4.BN
ScriptLog: *** Initializing BadNews!
ScriptLog: Add mutator DoubleJumpUT.DoubleJumpUT
ScriptLog: Add mutator MoreBloodOS.MB
ScriptLog: MaxBleeders = 25  BleedTime = 4.639814  BDLifeSpan = 17.850388  BDDrawScale = 0.350416  SpurtLevel = 37.687088
ScriptLog: Add mutator MGP2.MG
ScriptLog: Initiating local logging...
Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport WindowsViewport0
ScriptLog: Team 255
ScriptLog: Login: Player
Log: Possessed PlayerPawn: TMale2 DM-Curse][.TMale4
Init: Initialized moving brush tracker for Level DM-Curse][.MyLevel
DevAudio: Galaxy SetViewport: WindowsViewport0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 750.000000  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUT can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUT is running.
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUT can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUT is running.
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 562.500000  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 421.875000  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 527.343750  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 659.179688  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 494.384766  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 617.980957  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 463.485718  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: DJ: Keys that were changed by DoubleJumpUT can be restored by typing "restorejumpkeys" in the UT console when DoubleJumpUT is running.
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 579.357178  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 724.196472  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 905.245605  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 678.934204  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 509.200653  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 636.500793  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 795.625977  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 994.532471  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 745.899353  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 559.424500  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 419.568359  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 524.460449  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 655.575562  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: MTD --> attackRadius: 819.469482  racnt: 0
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 614.602112  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: SetupMonster -> attackRadius: 460.951599  racnt: 1
ScriptLog: Game ended at 754.859802
ScriptLog: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CALC END STATS
Any thoughts? Somebody graft that into something they are working on that does a RadiusActors check, and let me know how it works.

*Edit. In the above example, attackRadius was initalized to 1000. Probably too high, but as you can see from the log file, it doesn't matter much either....
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