XConsole 2.5.0 rc1

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Re: XConsole 2.5.0 rc1

Post by ~V~ »

Well I'll look at localisation for the next version as it's going to take some working out. I'll figure out a way of selecting language from the console itself rather than being automatic with no user-control.

Just to clear this up:
No that's not how it is. Presently I use structs for menu commands:

AssaultMenu[0]=(Name="Toggle Extended HUD",Command="toggleextendedhud")

That is by far the best way to organise commands (see the aliases in user.ini) and it's the easiest way for users to edit menus/commands. But that doesn't work in .int files.
Don't be giving linux a bad rep
I don't get what you mean. This has nothing to do with linux at all.

I'll have to look up the commands for ACE and see what can be done. If it's possible to login as admin and retrieve the info then that's great.
half those windows don't exist on a pure server and thats why you hide the code?
Which windows don't show? I don't know what you mean. Pure doesn't block my windows from showing. I said before that only the xconsole class is obfusctated and maybe 1 or 2 lines from the client window. Everything else is readable. Fire up wotgreal exporter and take a look.

Yeah it is possible to make a menu bar. That's something that I learned to do recently. So far I've only used it in my Messenger mod (not released yet).

Anyway, thanks for all the suggestions and I'll definitely be looking at these in the next version.
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Re: XConsole 2.5.0 rc1

Post by UT99.org »

billybill wrote:no i meant you can still access the structs same way user.ini ones are handled. although it uses localisation after that. localisting all 3 of the strings from within the struct

my linux comments were that if i can do it so easily in windows, generating the order that the end variables appear in (in their config file) and sounded like you were using it as an excuse to not continuing this line

I don't think pure blocks any of your windows, it changes the name of the console,switches it over to their one, some of your own console commands get disabled in the process. it then copies over some of your older viriables from that console so that any changes can be re-recorded when the console is switched back. Trying to get my head around how Xconsole doesn't quite become a pure console, you'd be the major expert here not me. Guess you're hiding this part? This isn't a huge interest to me but does interest me a little

Thanks for the helpful UWindows info though :) and sorry for some that came out in a not so nice manner {wrote this after hearing about some dr test results and right before going to dr who gave me more than the teaser hey did and it was 'a nothing' or a minor}

I'll give you the names of the 2 ACE classes that will get you your info, as a help. these are usually run on the server to gather the info, i'll do some research as to whether you can call commands from the default ones without any extra serverapackages but most likely you would need to use mutate commands

I'll give you a script that will determine language as well if you need it to set localised vars on first run

DId you split the IRC class so you were able to tap into it more? Odd that you could set up those auth commands but had trouble sending raw commands, none of it makes sense to me. If you subclassed the normal one then how were you able to set those?

Also love the IRC window that shows whos in the game :) even that COMMAND window down the box could be extended to be a google translator but I don't want to get too advanced with you here :)

Any screenshots of the messeger I'd love to see how it looks!!!
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Re: XConsole 2.5.0 rc1

Post by ~V~ »

Ah localise within the struct. Yes, may be possible. I'll check it out when I've woken up a bit.

Yes I guess I could order the strings in XConsole.ini, depending on whether #1 works or not.

Because the console is hard coded in UT.ini, when Pure is running, it actually subclasses the XConsole, rather than UTConsole. That's why the title changes (actually I over-rode that now so that it resets the title when the Console is opened - not sure if that was a good idea or not now, since it can be useful to see when the console is subclassed). When Pure subclasses the console it has the default set of functions which stops much of XConsole's new functions working. Typing commands though should always work, just not keybinds, exec functions, and things like Tick() and PostRender() etc. The same effect works with variables too. Pure only allows access to the default ones, except by typing commands that change those. There are some things that won't work while on a server, whether or not Pure is running. Like changing the chatbox colours. They will only take effect offline, but stay working when you (re)connect to a server.

Re ACE: I would really need to find out the mutate commands. I was recently working on a Nexgen ACE lookup plugin so I know how to grab HWID etc from ACE, but this only works where there is server code to replicate the variables to the client part.

For the localisation thing I think it'd be best to not automatically set locale on startup, but give the user some commands to control that. EG: 'set lang int' (for English), 'set lang est', (Spanish) and so on. I'm sure that there are people who speak other languages but would like to keep XC in English mode. Also it is possible to make custom lang settings and rewrite all your messages:


Code: Select all

Then copy say Engine.int to Engine.cst and put in your custom messages. I doubt many people really do this though, but it can be fun to play with :)
Sorry, I went off on a tangent then. The only difficulty I can see may be that if the Language variable changes it would be necesary to restart UT (untested yet though).

The most important IRC script is XConsole_IRCSystemPage.uc which subclasses UBrowserIRCSystemPage. All the others are subclasses of UWIndows with no real special properties. The system page sets up the IRC link. When text or a command is typed it sends it on to the link. Since I'm using UT's link it limits some of the abilities. It is possible to send raw commands but it's seeing the raw output back from the server that is the problem. I need to check further on what can be done though. I could even have a startup option of using my custom link, which fixes the problem of people that type lines beginning with : which UT's link wipes out, among other things. But again I'd need to test the custom link with Pure, ACE etc. I know LeagueAS140 kicks for it and since Psy is no longer around I don't see any way that LAS140 can be updated to allow it.

Screenshots of Mercury Messenger. It's pretty much trying to be an MSN/pidgin clone. (Also it's in debug mode which is why I see myself in the contact list window):

Using one of the default UT themes and showing the menu:

A converation with myself (the selection colour can be cutomised. Green is a bit ugh):

Custom frame skin and background skin (animated texture):
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Re: XConsole 2.5.0 rc1

Post by UT99.org »

billybill wrote:
~V~ wrote:Ah localise within the struct.
The game has it's own function that does this in the UBrowser classes
~V~ wrote: Yes I guess I could order the strings in XConsole.ini, depending on whether #1 works or not.
Or if structs fail and it's easier yeah. I've been making .u files with 10,000 classes when I probably could've used your method. I'm pushing the engine but whatever works
~V~ wrote: Because the console is hard coded in UT.ini, when Pure is running, it actually subclasses the XConsole, rather than UTConsole. That's why the title changes (actually I over-rode that now so that it resets the title when the Console is opened - not sure if that was a good idea or not now, since it can be useful to see when the console is subclassed). When Pure subclasses the console it has the default set of functions which stops much of XConsole's new functions working. Typing commands though should always work, just not keybinds, exec functions, and things like Tick() and PostRender() etc. The same effect works with variables too. Pure only allows access to the default ones, except by typing commands that change those. There are some things that won't work while on a server, whether or not Pure is running. Like changing the chatbox colours. They will only take effect offline, but stay working when you (re)connect to a server.
I knew about the difference between typed commands and functions, and that you recently stopped it stealing the title. But then theres the right click menu, the numerous tabs, the IRC-looking playerlist. It looks like you're able to get more from a pure server than I thought you could. For example the @ next to an admin's name I'm guessing the server only replicates this value when the /adminlogin is used and not on the event a playerpawn.badmin is set. You couldn't run code to check for this even though it looks misleading like you have totally nullified pure's own console. Could still spawn subclasses before it 'takes control' of the console? Or is the exec() blocker going to block anything from any console. And no I don't know enough about mod menu items to want to use them in the state this game is in "Hardware ban ke ke HaaaaarrDwwaaRe. "I Have put the HadWarE ban on you"
~V~ wrote: Re ACE: I would really need to find out the mutate commands. I was recently working on a Nexgen ACE lookup plugin so I know how to grab HWID etc from ACE, but this only works where there is server code to replicate the variables to the client part.
The class that listens for mutate commands always runs, so yeah if you need a response you have to await it. It's mostly screenshot that I can think of. There's some crosshair scaling as well
~V~ wrote: For the localisation thing I think it'd be best to not automatically set locale on startup, but give the user some commands to control that. EG: 'set lang int' (for English), 'set lang est', (Spanish) and so on. I'm sure that there are people who speak other languages but would like to keep XC in English mode. Also it is possible to make custom lang settings and rewrite all your messages:


Code: Select all

NEVER, change their language. You can't be that much of an asshole. Everything that can be localized should. Especially rules of a server. What you are essentially saying is whites only right?

You can get the langugae of their game, I can give you the command for that, and if it's not returning as english then localization as much as possible
~V~ wrote: Then copy say Engine.int to Engine.cst and put in your custom messages. I doubt many people really do this though, but it can be fun to play with :)
Sorry, I went off on a tangent then. The only difficulty I can see may be that if the Language variable changes it would be necesary to restart UT (untested yet though).
You shouldn't mess with their local language. If it can't find .cst file then it defaults to english. (int)

Attempting to connect to msn or pidgeon (which in itself is not a service but a linux client that connects to lots of services if i'm not mistken) is far more complex than what we're trying to do with IRC here

So the IRClink class cannot be subclassed without being detected as a rogue class (ie cheat), is that by Pure? Is ace going to give illegal function call? or is it a matter of starting a new tcp connection like your msn/pidgeon. Love the eyecandy by the way. the 3rd one not really my style but there would be someone who would say nice skin where can i get it[/quote]
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Re: XConsole 2.5.0 rc1

Post by ~V~ »

NEVER, change their language. You can't be that much of an asshole.
No I mean to detect it, not to change it. I'm talking about having a setting in XC for the locale, separate to the engine's language, which players can set. It would NOT affect the game's language setting at all.
What you are essentially saying is whites only right?
Woah. You obviously read a lot into me that isn't there. I don't know where you got that impression from. I've been coding mods for the UT community for 10+ years now (including two anticheats/antilaming mods and a few private mods for admins @ uK servers to help deal with lamers/cheaters). I'm 50 now and certainly don't take kindly to accusations of that sort so please don't make those kind of assumptions. I came on this forum as I knew that there was a good community here. I'm getting a bit tired of these attacks. I know you don't like the fact that some of the code is obfuscated, but I gave my reasons concerning the D4Console previously. I deliberately tried to make it difficult to subclass XC by obfuscation and by an additional built-in cheat protection, which would be easy to get around if XC were recompiled. That is the only reason that any of it is obfuscated.
You shouldn't mess with their local language. If it can't find .cst file then it defaults to english. (int)
No, you misunderstand. I just meant that as way for players to use custom messages, but not connected with XC at all. It was totally offtopic. Sorry if I confused you there.
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Re: XConsole 2.5.0 rc1

Post by papercoffee »

~V~ wrote:I came on this forum as I knew that there was a good community here. I'm getting a bit tired of these attacks
Don't just lump us all together ...Some people are hot headed and some are calm... we are many different individuals here.

@billybill please stop those assumptions without any proof.

Re: XConsole 2.5.0 rc1

Post by UT99.org »

billybill wrote:calling
Localize("Language", "Language", "Core");

Should return the string "English (International)" for .int english
"Espanol" for .est spanish

or whatever other language. I don't think you can change this anyway.

If you change their local language to english and they dont speak english they won't able to read anything in the game. Bravo paper for supporting this move. No doubt a full installation and lost all their settings

You want to point out the attacks for specificially? Because all I've said is we don't appreciate people who hide their code and that wasn't an attack. It's a safe measure. I release something that nobody can read im going to be jumped on like jack did to you when he saw that (combined with utdcfunctions). I think you are assuming a bit saying I'm attacking people, nobody is taking this personal. If they are, and complaining about it, I will share a tear for them

edit: I'm done with this thread. Knew it was only a matter of time before the guy burst into tears. I can see right through your one letter name and knew it from post one. If you knew of something that gets through an anti-cheat you wouldn't put it in your console. You should be bringing it to peoples attention, not trying to sell it to make a buck. And if saying White people offends you Europeans, please don't come to America.

Edit: I'm sorry papercoffee for my semi racist comments. I was trying to troll someone who was trolling me. I meant no offence to anyone. On that note, I'm taking a break from this site and UT in general because I need it. Sorry for thread hijack of xconsole, and take care
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Re: XConsole 2.5.0 rc3

Post by ~V~ »

rc3 is available. Same installation method as rc1/2. If you are using rc1/2 now, then you can just copy the new XConsole.u over the old one.

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Re: XConsole 2.5.0 rc1

Post by Chamberly »

Upgraded. :)
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Re: XConsole 2.5.0 rc1

Post by Chronox »

Upgraded to Sexier version.
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Re: XConsole 2.5.0 rc1

Post by fili »

Hi. Is there any way to use this console like the other players have to download it preconfigured before playing? I want to integrate IRC autojoin with my server. If it isn't possible, are there some other ways to do it?
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Re: XConsole 2.5.0 rc1

Post by Chamberly »

fili wrote:Hi. Is there any way to use this console like the other players have to download it preconfigured before playing? I want to integrate IRC autojoin with my server. If it isn't possible, are there some other ways to do it?
Well the only thing I know is make sure you have a backup copy of your ut.ini and xconsole.ini if you want to use them again in the reinstallment.
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Re: XConsole 2.5.0 rc1

Post by ~V~ »

It's not possible to have it download automatically because anyone with a different version would get a file mismatch and couldn't join the server.
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Re: XConsole 2.5.0 rc1

Post by KrystoF »

Hey mate
i dont know if you are working on Xconsole again, but i want to ask you an thing.
Its possible to make a new release and replace UTDC option by ACE in ?
thx in advance for your answer.
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Re: XConsole 2.5.0 rc1

Post by UT Sniper (SJA94) »

He hasn't been active here for nearly 4 years so you are unlikely to get a response.
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