MapvoteX ~ #source code released#~

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Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Post by papercoffee »

Wises wrote:soz papers good friend BB :P..

also re your comment on provoking.. i think you better re-read that fellaz shit before editing mine thanks.meaning BB's.. then again i doubt you have any idea on who this poor innocent little angel really is... that you are trying to protect anyway.. and as for these secret fkn backroom convo's wtf is that supposed to be.. some kinda masonry outfit?

was actually being sarcastic.. in that statement because that .... is in no way any authority in anything related to UT period.

Anymore concerns related to him.. on this topic will be pushed aside because i am sick of responding to fkn retards.. and Biased Politically Correct BS.

I did read your posts before you edit them. So don't to play dumb.

And no, I don't protect him ...I protect I will prevent any attempt of a flame war.

Both of you try to tease each other till one of you react with insults.
And I have enough of this shit. Do you get it now?
Wises wrote: back on fkn toppic
That's fine with me.
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Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Post by Wises »

*see these edits.
Wises wrote: back on fkn toppic
That's fine with me.
Fantastic.. :D

btw: look , no hard feelings ..this thing is nearly done.. and it's been a looong project.
with many hours and time and thought put into it.
if I didn't believe in it ... then I wouldn't have gotten involved with it to start with.
however these things take their toll on one-self.

~ This ain't no cache rip of anything.
~ Future Version's will only be sent to certain individuals.. who we've had feedback from.
~ Anyone capable of deciphering the sources , go for it.. ;) currently install version 'q' on Asia Server.
~ working on some fixe's and minor Adjustments for various things.. which will probably happen next few days.
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Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Post by GenMoKai »

I have no idea what you are up to wises... back at that other post of yours... are you trying to insult someone or what? Not sure where that behavior of yours come from... But behave from now, we want this forum to be nice and friendly
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Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Post by Feralidragon »

I didn't check the whole thing, since obviously plenty of posts were edited somehow, but from what I see from the "remains", there was some sort of provocation going on.
Furthermore, it's not the first time I see such kinds of provocation going on from either sides. There's a difference between "passion" and "looking for conflict", and what I see is the latter.

@Jack: I didn't like that "let adults talk" sentence of yours back to Paper, not one single bit. What is the difference between letting children, teenagers or adults talk about something? Next time is best if you reword that kind of sentences to just "people", as the way you said it sounds like adults are somewhat superior or should be handled differently, when in reality most of this forum is used by children and teenagers, and which I dare to say have been far more mature than the active adult members through all the years this forum has been up, wouldn't you agree?
If we let every "adult" talk to their heart's content until it achieved the name calling level, then we would be "" instead of just "", and we won't allow that to happen, so we stop certain things sooner (mostly Paper who has been doing a hell of a good job at it).
Anyone is free to question a moderator's decision to *some* degree (*any* degree if done properly by PMs), but I can't really allow someone saying something close to "let adults talk" and stay shut, and then somewhat trying to "educate" us on what we should do and what we shouldn't in a place that the whole community actively maintained for several years in the same manner thorough the years and which has been working almost flawlessly for what we're all trying to accomplish here, and where they were always free to express their opinions, provided they were kept civil and non-provocative, unlike you're trying to imply.
There are ways to express the same opinion, and I am with Paper on this one when I see where this was going, and it wasn't even remotely on your opinion, but the way Wises expressed his, and recently Wises has been doing the same thing in other topics so Paper's post/edit has a very strong and good motive.
Either it was actually what you meant or was simply a poor choice of words, don't try to confront a moderator's decision the way you did again.

@Wises: I would appreciate if you stopped with your provocative statements, talk-backs and whatnot, specially against moderators when they address it onto you. I don't find them funny, and you have been doing that in other topics in which you were warned about. This is not the first time we warn you, and this is not the first time you try to say something back and make random accusations, and you're stepping the red line here when trying to imply some sort of bias towards a member when you know very damn well that most of the conflicts were started by you alone. May I need to remind you about your useless post out of nowhere in Billybill's intro topic where you for some reason just posted an insect image after a drama between you both was going on in another topic?
Afaik, he never did such thing in your posts, which at least when it comes to this forum, shows that unlike you, he respects this place more than you do.
So regardless of what he's doing outside this domain, you're the one looking bad by making senseless remarks and starting disputes out of thin air. So, just, stop, or we are going to have serious issues.
I have been very tolerant, because I know you mean well, but even I have a limit when it comes to this.

From this point on, stay on topic. If any of you wish to reply to these, do it by PM. The only reason this reply is public is because you both made it a public issue, and from this point on you can either take care of these privately and peacefully like two "adults", or keep arguing back and forth until leading to the topic closure or/and even more than that.
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Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Post by UnrealGGecko »

I'm going back on topic by saying good luck to the MapvoteX creator team. Don't screw up guys! :wink:
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Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Post by Chamberly »

Btw... hopefully we aren't forgetting about the listed of crashed map and being able to clear it. :)

& somehow I looked over something. What about the mapvote majority types and other (if ur map didn't win, u get 2 point next time)? etc.
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Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Post by Wises »

Good Morning all .. Beautiful day out there?

Alrighty just to be clear here kiddies: (since the general audience here as you say are youngsters) soz MrL I know for a fact you are not.

Couple of things..

Anyone who comes into any thread that I start and starts some kinda shit, like these muppet's. Knows that I am not one to back-down.

If you go through the last ohh I don't know (every thread) that I have started you will see your Troll buddy casting doubt and/or generally being a retard... like this ain't some kind of cache Rip is it .. or you shouldn't be using something which is in beta.. or.. your Servers are shit because I can ddos them from china and no0ne knows it me.. or you have too many mods.. and most recently this new unfounded crap from kelly based on the opinions of others.

Rambling on about things which TBQH are irrelevant.. and.. I had made some -----EDIT's to my previous post's because they were far more enlightening then what you joker's can see.. basically pointing fingers back at certain individuals and all sorts of Drama's could have erupted from such things... But I would like to say Kelly.. coming in at this point in time , and having access to the Beta's and knowing quite well who the testers are.. even more so , not testing for yourself before voicing your OPINION at this point in time of the project was a low blow. And very timely.. as it is just about ready for the Public. tsktsk.

*Setting up a server is a peace of piss.. and losing your OMG.ini is the least of your worries.. unless you failed to retain the original doc's / packages with which you have installed.. then hey.. whats the problem?.. in fact I advise any would-be server admin to learn from scratch and install everything slowly with testing.. so that you can see.. what causes this to happen , and what causes that to happen.

so any more 'Tears' about our APL (Actor Package Loader) will fall on Deaf ears.. cause tbh it's done and it will be in the Package at the end.. and it works remarkably well.

Other Problems which could cause concern for the "Unauthorized_UT_Police" would be our latest addition..
[Add to favorites] button.. because why?
OMG OMG we are Actually adding the server to the Players OMG.ini (watch out I see the laywers watching intently).. did he say that his mod updates the players OMG.ini?.. really.. can we sue for that?.. GGFD.

~For the Lawyer's , if they click the button.. and it goes BOOM! (then it's their own dumb fault)

Well glad we got that sorted :D ?

@Chamberly yup we have added instead a method which will send Admin a Message to MVXM.ini if this happens :)

also .. if push comes to shove .. we just make it private and give only to those who we feel won't be as judgmental of such things.
I have a small list of Admin's who are kean to use this.. and hey 'Point of Difference' is what counts these day's ;)

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Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Post by Feralidragon »

Apparently you think you can disrespect everyone but everyone has to respect you...
I am starting to get tired of your BS Wises, I seriously am, it seems you can't grasp the concept of respect for others, not even for this place, so I was going to give you a small vacation, but I had a better idea:
from now on you cannot edit nor delete any posts you make here. And beware that the double post rule still stands, so don't use that as an excuse to even try it.

So from now you have to think carefully what you're going to post, because once posted it stays there unchanged.
If you ever need to change the first post to update with links or whatever, feel free to send a PM to us, other than that any changes to your posts won't be possible at all.
I am tired that you end up editing your stuff so you look all innocent when confronted, and start to belittle others and throwing out accusations left and right.

You did this in your other topics, and you agreed to stop with it and to not start any conflict. Then you start this thread and what's the first thing you do? Check billybill's quote from when you DIDN'T edit your post, and check how the rest actually unfolded.... oh wait, you can't, you disfigured the whole damn topic with your edits to make it look like something it originally wasn't.
You overreacted to everything like a little kid, specially when you were the one to start it this time, instead of acting maturely and contact us in case something went from anyone else's side, and when confronted, you act like this, disrespecting everything and everyone.
I even gave the clear opportunity for you to PM me about this and tell whatever you wanted to say, and yet again you talk back disrespecting what you have just been told.

So for the last time, from this point on, only stuff regarding this topic, anything else you want to say, do it by PM. And remember, you can no longer edit your posts so be careful on what you're going to write next, because you won't be able to twist them anymore. Use the Preview button to make sure what you want to post.
Even I have limits too when it comes to my own patience around here.
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Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Post by Wises »

:) no worries.
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Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Post by MrLoathsome »

Wises wrote:Good Morning all .. Beautiful day out there? ------->> Dunno, I slept thru it then had to go to work. :sleep: :?

Alrighty just to be clear here kiddies: (since the general audience here as you say are youngsters) soz MrL I know for a fact you are not. -------->> I am older than dirt.

[Add to favorites] button.. because why?
A button for Add to Favorites someplace on the mapvote menu is the perfect way to do that.
Makes it optional for the user, and is a nice feature.
I have played on servers that were just adding themselves, and in a few even more annoying cases a whole
list of other servers to the Favorites. Lots of people hate that sort of thing.... Button solves it all.

Also, has your servers IP changed?
I was just going to test it out again, but was unable to connect. Can't ping it either.

It is only fair that I try it out again, as it has been a while since that first time I tried it.
And of course you were aware at that time of some of the issues I found that were related to the various beta mutators
you had running. Assume the latest updated versions of MapvoteX and the rest of it are running on your server now....

I did share some of my observations from that first test with the "Unreal Illuminati" :mrgreen: :roll: when we got your PM last week.
But there is no conspiracy here. Unless there is, and I am just an unwitting pawn. :loool:
Don't think I told them anything other that what I reported back to you after that test, other than perhaps expressing a bit
of frustration at my failure to explain my findings to you.

I think I mentioned this to you and the others, but just to be sure, I was impressed by the lack of significant lag, in spite of the
other issues that were occurring. Some of that code is working very well. Interesting enough that I wanted to check it out again.

Not sure what you mean by "I approached it from the wrong angle" in the first test.
The angle I approached it from was that of a UT client connecting from the opposite side of
the planet. I was going to play for a while. Then look at my client side log file and report
back my observations on that and the gameplay/network performance etc.. So that is what I did.

Post up the IP or server name again, and I will give it another try.

One other observation...
The lack of full source is a problem for some of the "enlightened" ones. :what:

You seemed to be presenting it as sort of a game. "Find the hidden source code."
Thanks to R.L. and what not, I haven't even played UT in almost a month now, let alone
looked at any code or done any coding.

I would need a LOT more spare time before I decided to embark on a reverse engineering project just for fun.
Like the lady said: "Ain't nobody got time for that!" :confused2: :omfg: :noidea :sleep: :help: :roll:

P.S. Am I using the Smilies correctly?
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Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Post by Chamberly »

Love the add to favorite button, very easy for other who wanted a quick add. :)
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Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Post by Wises »

hey hey Mr loathesome :D sorry to awaken you buddy :D

I mean by testing , is simply ignore the Accessed none errors from the client-logs, because all NewNet Server's have these , and timtim is leaving the accessed none's issues lastly.
try to rather see it from the average joe who never even new such a .log existed.. until now.. as yes it spits data into it 2-3 times a tick.

as for the sources.. well , long story short the coder who matches you in age if not older is very particular about this.. ie; does not give sources to anyone.. mainly I suspect from alot of off-spins from UT2Vote for UT2k4.. mainly.

besides if/when the 'Uscript Gods' do get around to decompiling it.. then it will be well into the mainstream. the Hidden codes thing.. yes.. my idea just to block unwanted access. during the beta stages.. is a poor form of protection but for the most part it blocks 90% .. at the code.

The other 10% already know the basic principles inside of it and could probably get the idea from just the .ini's that are spawned.. I guess.. in any case.. there's still bugs being ironed out and.. the final Beta's will be run by a select few Beta Testers.. as no0ne else has really provided any feedback apart from a couple.. 2-3 individuals..

With the code thing I did try to do it via client/server interaction but .. that would have probably complicated things .. and even then the sources would have been stripped anyways.

Server IP has changed I think.. yes it has.. [url=unreal://]Click here instead[/url] then maybe add to fav's from inside the !vote menu itself.. in the welcome [tab]..

This mod modifies the ServerName (if admin chooses) , therefore each new Game Alerts other Player's looking in their browser's which GameType is being played..

approach from a Gamer's P.O.V not a developer's one.. ;)

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Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Post by MrLoathsome »

Wises wrote:hey hey Mr loathesome :D sorry to awaken you buddy :D

I mean by testing , is simply ignore the Accessed none errors from the client-logs, because all NewNet Server's have these , and timtim is leaving the accessed none's issues lastly.
try to rather see it from the average joe who never even new such a .log existed.. until now.. as yes it spits data into it 2-3 times a tick.
You just hit the nail on the head. But ignoring it is not the answer. Timtim should NOT leave those for last IMHO.

The sheer volume of those, is saturating the network traffic. (Bytes-in on the client)

Each accessed none error that reaches the client, is being sent by the server. Even if the server hardware is having
no problems handling the load, this has an adverse effect on everything, as the client will start dropping packets and
not displaying things due to network priorities etc.

In addition to that, each one is an indication of some code not working the way it should be. The negative results are cumulative.

If you search the archives, I have posted this before. I remember Ferali agreed with me.

This is what is/was causing the issue with the weapons being either invisible or only partially visible on the client side.
If the root cause (all those accessed nones) was fixed, that issue would probably disappear. Almost 99% sure of it.
Could be wrong. It has happened before.

Over the years, I have seen that exact same effect multiple times when I had broken stuff or just too much stuff running at once
on one of my servers.

I ran multiple servers 24/7 for 8 or 9 years before I even looked at UScript 3 or 4 years ago. Have been pushing the edge of how much
crap you can run on a UT server for a LONG time. Have had regulars on the servers from your side of the globe. Spent time tweaking
AS/DM/CTF servers so that a regular on dialup connection from north Canada would have the best experience possible.
Never have rented a server. I build them, install Linux, write the firewall etc. and install UTPG 4.40 linux release.

Ask Jack if setting up oldskool coop servers with multiple missions and mods like AKcoop/EXU etc is easy.
(I didn't get the Ecoop controller going on those until 2009. Before that it was just me tweaking ini files.)

I been doing that since day 2. (Dark Knight was #1 of course. 3 was third.... :wtf: :tongue: )

I have considerable admin experience, and a vague idea of how UT works... The RocketArena maps confused me a bit few weeks
ago, but I have figured out what was going on with them, and have a new gametype on the tip of my brain. Just need more time....

Re: Your server.

That is the same IP as I tried. Port 7777

Can't ping it either.

You haven't blocked my IP address have you? :loool:

Same as my servers atm. I need to get off my ass and move a wire and tweak a router so my desktop is using a different IP.
I am lazy..... And it don't matter much really.

Sorry for the rambling reply and unsolicited UT Admin resume info.
This thread intrigued me, so I started thinking and drinking beer and typing.

Let us know what is up with the server IP, as that is the best way for me to provide any feedback without
the reverse engineering......


I will let others reply to the open source vs closed source issue there.

The first code I ever had "stolen" was back in 1984. Money code, not free public game scripts.
Wrote a system for some doctor that ran on an Atari 800XL. 8 bit computers. He turned around and sold it for more
than he paid me to write it to a bunch of other people right away. I had no contract or lawyer. Should have.

Never spent any time trying to hide or obfuscate any of my stuff for this reason.

If I can figure out how to hide it, somebody else can figure out how to un-hide it if they want to bad enough.

Waste of time to try. That's all I got to say on that topic atm.

Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

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medor wrote:
You haven't blocked my IP address have you?
No i have the same yesterday and now the server is back.
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Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Post by Wises »

hey hey :)


was down yesterday and then up but misconfigured so .. yeah

but is up now sorry about that.

I understand what you are talking about re: network traffic saturation..

and stuff.. perhaps some could forwards this onto timtim which could solve alot of problems.

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