Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by sektor2111 »

SilverSound wrote: I just hate how one of the best game modes is plagued with bad mappers...
Perhaps you have to take an advice or... I don't know, it's up on you. With such reaction you'll get a bad reputation, trust me. Those who don't know what they do are really appreciated - for efforts, even if players are leaving one by one, those telling bad things are Evil and Karmic (recall my some previous PM). Even if they are lost in that Editor you can tell them mappers else evil storm will haunt you...
I'm simply ignoring new stuff (except real good ones and of course those done by myself). This is the real way, do it yourself for yourself if you want better things. BTW, I went busy to check that Bot without to check geometry, previous sample map has some problems around last door due to my rush in building those doors, I made other build and order "Attack" is fired without to touch keyboard (using keyboard is boring at a moment...), I should made an automated game start... hmm.
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by SilverSound »

sektor2111 wrote:
SilverSound wrote: I just hate how one of the best game modes is plagued with bad mappers...
Perhaps you have to take an advice or... I don't know, it's up on you. With such reaction you'll get a bad reputation, trust me. Those who don't know what they do are really appreciated - for efforts, even if players are leaving one by one, those telling bad things are Evil and Karmic (recall my some previous PM). Even if they are lost in that Editor you can tell them mappers else evil storm will haunt you...
If anyone is petty enough to get on my case for thinking a map that isn't well thought out, well tested or even works properly bad in my view, they need to just stop in creative work. You can't go anywhere with out Someone pointing out your mistakes. That's how you improve...

There are plenty of good maps. The mind tends to remember really bad experiences over good ones. (though it could be just me) I'm not really the only one who has thought this way.

MH- is probably the hardest to map for. Next to AS.

papercoffee wrote:
SilverSound wrote: I just hate how one of the best game modes is plagued with bad mappers and too many versions of it's own mode. We need something that fixes all these stupid problems.
Lol. It's only MH. Or am I wrong?
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by Chamberly »

SilverSound wrote:MH- is probably the hardest to map for. Next to AS.
So I'm jumping from mapping DM/CTF/BT to MH... this gonna be interesting.
I have been thinking about a specific MH map that I haven't particularly seen in my idea so I'm hoping to create it, but not right away until I get some good map in first after learning the stuff.

& hopefully I'd make a MH-ForLovers :loool:
Just cuz I know MH is a great friendly environment along with BT.
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by papercoffee »

SilverSound wrote:
papercoffee wrote:
SilverSound wrote: I just hate how one of the best game modes is plagued with bad mappers and too many versions of it's own mode. We need something that fixes all these stupid problems.
Welcome to UT ...you must be new here.
Lol. It's only MH. Or am I wrong?
Nope. :mrgreen:
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by sektor2111 »

Getting back to MH problems. A fast MH Guide can be described or less described because it's a game coming with some Levels which can be a guide for starters. For Bot Support story seems to go more complex since I see that Higor is changing things and this looks not the ideal case. MonsterWayPoint as it is, it do needs FIXING and not changing it - Demo map which I have posted proves that.
Think at FortStandard from Assault as a Trigger Objective and not as a Shooting Target, exactly this way is MonsterWayPoint in MH. mapper has options to put that nearby objectives (buttons, levers, etc.). Paths are in default way or extra paths as well - supported. BlockedPath works if is wisely used, AlternatePath - useless - AssaultRandomizer spams errors with no purpose. Translocator stuff is not for MH because is crappy to kill monsters in one second so Shrimp disabled it.
The rest of Bot rushing can be slowed down with tiny things MyLevel-ed and everything is good in a decent Level.

Monsters stock are an easy task for fixing VIA mutators, it's a matter of imagination to make a good Level which can be finished in 30-50 Minutes else it becomes boring for majority. If Map runs smoother is a good one, if it do lags, not everyone is happy and it will gain less votes.
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by Higor »

Found a map where the MonsterEnd actor is right at the start of the map and sits there disabled until you kill a bunch of bosses.

The logic of this last commit should fix bot behaviour with this kind of MonsterEnd:
https://github.com/CacoFFF/MonsterHunt- ... 04b4d30bd6

PD: Pushing buttons won't be a problem in the future.
If you noticed to the MHE_Base events in the CR package, you'll see that there's a DeferTo variable in them, these MHE_Base will hold a near navigation point and make pull bot attraction as well.
Buttons and other triggers will eventually have a MHE_Base associated to them, basically every actor with an associated MHE_Base may become target for bot attraction.
This will be the change that'll make bot complete maps that don't have MonsterWaypoints on them.
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by sektor2111 »

Higor wrote:Found a map where the MonsterEnd actor is right at the start of the map and sits there disabled until you kill a bunch of bosses.
Because whoever made map doesn't know or hear about MonsterWayPoint and being an ignorant as usual, never bothered to watch at what Shrimp did in original maps for taking notice about "How To". For such a case can be written a patcher dependent on MH mod running.
Now tell me what do you think about map MH-BeastWar or something like that.
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by Barbie »

Higor wrote:Found a map where the MonsterEnd actor is right at the start of the map and sits there disabled until you kill a bunch of bosses.
MH-CleaningUTJFix is also such a candidate.
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by sektor2111 »

I gotta do a recheck at these old MH repositories because I think is time to put them on the right way, since these last years nobody did nothing for fixing them, and as I can see no one cares...
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by Higor »

That MonsterTriggerMarker path can be really handy, now if placed in a triggered door (touching the trigger), it can lock the route if said trigger isn't enabled.
https://github.com/CacoFFF/MonsterHunt- ... 1acdd1b885

Rewriting OLDPistol was an interesting experience, using ClientFiring state to lock the weapon while playing a single animation can be really handy.
Charged fire and upgrade should look nearly the same in clients as in servers.
The most important change should be that of not requiring a custom WeaponPowerUp pickup in order to be able to powerup, the custom powerup isn't really necessary if you make a small 2 line addition to the weapon's PickupQuery function.
Things can get a bit weird between 503/proto setups though, as networking between both OLDPistol classes is different.
https://github.com/CacoFFF/MonsterHunt- ... DPistol.uc
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by sektor2111 »

In OLDpistol I think we have some LULU again. I see a replication with remark "ensure powerLevel works". Me, personally I assure you that even Original WEAPON, not TournamentWeapon does Powerup Properly ON Line even if it doesn't fire - but it do fires using XCGE or WTriggerer - these weapons might become really strong in a DM, that replication really doesn't make sense, once again "Server is The Man", client has animations and replicated things, he doesn't need any game data (except HUD things) because client doesn't run the "Level.Game". I did not see Original Pistol failing at WeaponPowerUp because it didn't had "replication", weapon went powered and amplified properly all time and I could see these for weeks in my games (Skaarj drop there items on death so I could use them a lot of times). I gotta admit I set Amplifier (yeah, another toy) at 5×default charge for being more challenging - Bots might use weapons PoweredUp and they use ASMD amplified with priority as I could figure so far.

Aside, that OLDPistol's Rateself just stuck Bot - v504 proves that the code is wrong there, and I had trust in that code like an ass which I am some times, having trust in those "awesome" codes with ": D" symbol inside.
Bot can load AltFire charge, the problem is, it will do that even if has 2 at ammo. Nothing stops it to use AltFiring in low charge so will get stuck aiming walls and not firing until he is dead - and this do HAPPENS pretty much in poor maps with no ammo for other weapons.

Related to splitting packages - a conformed copy should be really done in pieces because fixing some stuff for MH needs some Player specific things. These things are not included in v503 so a sort of "Pack-Addon" directly dependent will be welcomed triggering player to an improved HUD and the rest of decals etc... Given these conditions I'm gonna create an update a la 504 but a bit divided and easy to set - probably doesn't need any ServerPackage setup and it's not a must have XCGE, probably some people have their reasons for not using XCGE (their loss) and they don't speak what they don't like there...
Because I intend to improve old dumb thing and not screwing it and... expanding BOT feature to other types code probably will look as follows - PREVENTING a ScriptedPawn Touch

Code: Select all

function Touch( actor Other )
	if ( MonsterHunt(Level.Game) != None )
	if ( !bVisited && bEnabled && ( Pawn(Other) != None && Pawn(Other).PlayerReplicationInfo != None && ScriptedPawn(Other) == None
		&& ( Pawn(Other).Enemy == None || !Pawn(Other).LineOfSightTo(Pawn(Other).Enemy ) ) ) )
		if ( MonsterHunt(Level.Game).LastPoint + 1 == Position ) //Extreme rule - No more bullshit
			if ((TriggerActor1 != None) && !Other.IsA('PlayerPawn'))
				if (TriggerActor1.IsA('Mover'))
				TriggerActor1.Trigger(Self, Pawn(Other));
			if ((TriggerActor2 != None) && !Other.IsA('PlayerPawn'))
				if (TriggerActor2.IsA('Mover'))
				TriggerActor2.Trigger(Self, Pawn(Other));
			if ((TriggerActor3 != None) && !Other.IsA('PlayerPawn'))
				if (TriggerActor3.IsA('Mover'))
				TriggerActor3.Trigger(Self, Pawn(Other));
			if ((TriggerActor4 != None) && !Other.IsA('PlayerPawn'))
				if (TriggerActor4.IsA('Mover'))
				TriggerActor4.Trigger(Self, Pawn(Other));
			if ((TriggerItem != None) && !Other.IsA('PlayerPawn'))
				if (TriggerItem.IsA('Mover'))
				TriggerItem.Trigger(Self, Pawn(Other));
			MonsterHunt(Level.Game).LastPoint = Position;
			MonsterHunt(Level.Game).MHTarget = None;
			MonsterHunt(Level.Game).PointToTarget = None;
			bVisited = True;
			bEnabled = False;
			BroadcastMessage("Position"@Position@has been visited.);
			Style = STY_Translucent;
			ScaleGlow = 0.3;
I don't think I'm bother with Event since it was never on purpose, those good old maps don't use it.
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by Higor »

Check https://github.com/CacoFFF/MonsterHunt- ... 8eaa626347


- MHE_Base events can become bot attractors.
** They require a DeferTo path, bAttractBots=True, bCompleted=False
- One 'attractor' MHE_Base is checked per pathfinding request (from bot)
- When a MHE_Base is designated as a bot's target, it'll persist until completed or bot is killed.
- MHE_SingularEvent created, used to identify one-shot buttons and triggers.
- MHE_SingularEvent becomes a bot attractor if they either trigger Movers, Paths or Counters (more to add?)

Non one-shot stuff not yet supported but I've succesfully managed to get bots to unlock stuff without requiring MonsterWaypoint actors.
One problem at hand are normal pathnodes behind locked doors, these can make bots never query MHE_Base points if they see a 'valid' route through a locked door.
So I was thinking it could be possible to block a path in runtime if the bot tries to reach it and hits a locked door.

These changes would make maps without BlockedPath/MonsterWaypoint actors playable.
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by sektor2111 »

These Bot things will become too complex and then bugs are not gonna be fun, MonsterWayPoint is helpful if it is wisely used (evidences are old maps) - and all these are for a limited number of people because others are BOT-HATERS - such a fart convinced me to run stealth without showing nothing any longer - and it's better this way. Mapper should learn Bot Pathing and that's all story LiandriConflict and LiandriInvasion are maps showing that ORDERING WayPoints is the key and not other stuff which will need pathing hacks with NO MAPPER will handle - proved already. I can make Bot even to fire an objective right from map itself without blabbering MH, this stuff is doable if mapper is an advanced one and not only at cube drawer stage, seriously...

And now back to a conformed release. THIS IS a bit of heavy TASK. Why ? Because Old Weapons are crap - unless we don't want them properly fixed, fixing them will involve changing effects and stuff which won't be that Net compatible with default MH player.
- Combo from ASMD - non audible - fixing needs a tiny change + decal "which doesn't work ON Line" - suuuure, only Shockrifle has decal with no issues - I really don't have issue there - issue comes at compatibility with default MH - to not forget this thing AMPLIFIED which needs an additional combo type and a Net RingExplosion with decals;
- Grenade has a silent explosion - also it needs another NETWORK explosion type;
- SeekingRocket - for sure doesn't have smoke trails a little rework is required - main rocket changes so to speak;
- OLFlak - this is an utter mess, it remains stuck at 0 ammo with some funny quote somewhere "flak ammo is bugged" sureee, an ammo with no code is bugged :loool: :loool: :loool: ;
- a new quadsh!t requires that class replacement in player - really it's an entire rework because it was a nothing;
- automag with super duper akimbo is bugged at "handlepickupquery" - simple has no bugs so we have AKIMBO bugs happily created;
- GesBioRifle - is bugged at AltFiring chapter passing over normal firerate and projectile is crapped up - fixing needs a new thing in player - also RemoteRole for that "biogel" is wrong. For 100% bug-free things it needs new stuff in player;
- these player things are also completed with MonsterProjectiles - another split is required then with hours of tests.

I must think at a test map with full stuff for doing checks... grrr...

I might think even at renaming them and complete replacements because really they have to be gone as fake as they are - all "OL" "OS" things bugged - and we ask why MH was crashing LOL :loool: , it's full of crap, that's why.

Given these "super duper" old weapons, they have to be part of a separate package to get a MUST Download else default MH player probably will crash or will run wacky - I don't even want to know what will happen. Implementing HUD fix was not that heavy but this task with weapons. Or... rewriting OLWeapons and calling them from there because is just a stupid duplicate class without required fixes. For me UIWeapons are not part of action - they are sucks as the concept to handle client decals from server - dunnno who the heck has this idea, player uses what wants, server should mind his business not player business. Then, we have good looking maps from old times having them, we have to put them on the right way, at least if you don't pay attention at them then I'll do these by myself because I want trash out once forever.

To summarize, there is some work to do at compatibility chapter - Bot is my last concern - I consider it solved as long as all known old maps are working this way and even improved (no more rushing like an ass) and Bot Support is doable veeery simple as it was in 2002 - it needs only a bit fine tuning and nothing else.
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by Barbie »

sektor2111 wrote:I must think at a test map with full stuff for doing checks... grrr...
I've already created a map with nearly all items for testing replacements, moving MHEnd, music events on multi player, etc. If you are interested in, I can publish it the next days.
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Re: Splitting MonsterHunt packages?

Post by sektor2111 »

I want it.
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