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I am here for scripting help.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 1:32 am
Hello, I am LannFyre and I am trying to do a total conversion mod to make Unreal Tournament '99 into an RPG by doing the following:

> The player will be an invisible colliding actor that also has a single sheet that always faces a camera, but changes what sprite should be displayed according to what action is being taken. Pressing an attack button in combat will swap the texture currently applied to the sheet to the correct animated texture, then switch to the next texture required, and so on. Exactly like what is used in Xenogears:

Beginning game play

Xenogears Death Blows

> Making a custom camera that dynamically tracks the player as they move within a radial trigger(???), snapping to them when they move outside of the specified radius that moves with the player like so:

Super Mario World Camera Logic (please watch the whole video)

> The camera will track the player on maps similar to those seen in this second video, with maps being designed similar to this, as this game will be a platformer:

SolaToRobo Gameplay, in Spanish

> Adding an inventory system similar to that of Fallout 3/New Vegas, where it is simple text as well as indicating how many of what items (ie, Potions) are in the inventory, which will need to be able to be used within the inventory through a UI, or a pause menu that the player can pull up any time in game and doesn't pause the game (similar to vote menus in UT '99 Multiplayer on most servers). The pause menu needs to be navigable in a fashion similar to that in Final Fantasy games;

> Make a combat system similar to Final Fantasy X and Xenogears, which will include a battle order based on character stats that are dictated by a skill/passive tree that grants different skills per class/subclass. The combat will be tied to class trees that include 5 classes, with each class having a subclass, each subclass having unique properties that are granted to the player each level by unlocking the next part of the class tree. At a certain level, they can begin assigning more points but to a different subclass. After a certain event has happened, the player must be able to change assigned points to different classes at any time.

I know how to use the map editor, but I need more UnrealScript help/advice/tutorials/materials. I found two links on this website for UScript (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=4555 , viewtopic.php?f=57&t=4556) but I was hoping for full blown guides on how to use the language as a whole. I have minimal experience with C++ (I had started learning Python for a while though, so I sort of get OOP) but not much.

So in short, hello errybudy I come to you in my hour of need, if ya wanna help then let me know pls. :o

Re: I am here for scripting help.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 2:28 am
by Dr.Flay
Welcome LannFyre.
There are a few Uscript experts that still use this site, so you should get some feedback once you post some example of your work, or post specific questions/requests.
UnrealSP and OldUnreal are both good sites to check. There are a few existing projects that could be used.
I do think Unreal 227 would be a better option because the most useful projects are for Unreal. ... 1370052740

One of the best tutorial collections

You will need to use an "UncodeX" at some point. It is the complete Uscript/class reference
A few people already host them, but you can make your own.

You should find plenty of useful decos/models and other resources here ... resources/

Re: I am here for scripting help.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 9:10 pm
You wouldn't happen to have any troubleshooting information on how to use that RPG maker, do you? So I have downloaded the .u files and can load them into the editor, but immediately after I do that when I try to load the tutorial map that was made for those packages the editor crashes. Also, thank you for the information and welcoming me to the board! :D

I wont really be able to show much progress on the coding yet because you have just given me the tutorials (which I might be downloading to full .html files and uploading as an archive at some point on this site), but I can show two maps that I have made with my minimal experience with the editor. I will be using that RPG editor since it is available, as that looks to be literally everything that I needed to do this project.

Re: I am here for scripting help.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:52 am
by Dr.Flay
Bare in mind that Firetrucks mod is only for Unreal, so you must use that.
You will get the help in those 2 threads by the author, as they deal with Unreal in those 2 sites. I haven't used it other than to try the demo map, so I can't help.