XC_Engine version 21 update

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XC_Engine version 21 update

Post by Higor »

XC_Engine version 21 update
(397.48 KiB) Downloaded 173 times
Here are the missing editor button bitmaps
(2.51 KiB) Downloaded 80 times
Requires XC_Core 8

- Added SIGSEGV and SIGIOT handlers, crash logs display the call history almost like windows UT.
** To use these in a server running ServerCrashFix, you must disable SCF's bFixHandlers setting.

Replaced the collision grid with an improved version from CollisionGrid binary (.DLL/.SO)
- Collision processing time reduced to 30%-50% of original hash (depends on map).
** Primitive actors currently broken.

Reworked pawn bandwidth hack in new relevancy:
- Now also saves bandwidth from unnecessary rotation, velocity updates.
- More aggressive on non-walking physics.
- Less aggressive on stairs (fixes terrible simulation on clients).
- Triggers an additional update when player/monster stops moving to correct standing position.

New relevancy:
- They're less likely go through non-translucent surfaces.
** Less actors received by client.
- Prevented possible stack overflow in maps with large BSP tree subdivisions
- Fixed bad trace implementation in Linux

Script patcher:
- Bugfix in extended PreLogin checks.
- Improved minigun bot AI rating and usage.
- Added SecureValidate exploit fix to ALL query actors.

ClientTravel, Open cannot be used to open local files anymore.

Automatic LZMA compressor ported to Linux, fixed a tiny memory leak.
- Added log notification of compressor ending, plus info on amount of files compressed.

Changes in joining UT servers:
- Clients no longer send options 'Game' and 'Mutator' in their login string.
- GUID matching is done with all packages (not just cached).
-- Attempts to download the new package in case of mismatch.
-- Can ignore already installed packages in favor of cached ones.
-- Jumps to next downloader if current one delivered a mismatching package.
- More info displayed during file download (amount of files, data to install).
- HTTP downloader(s) upgraded to XC_IpDrv version without hacks.

Adds XC_Core's log+malloc interceptors into the game during initialization.
- Automatically disables SCF's malloc hook when these options are enabled.

- HTTP downloader reworked for XC_Core v8 compatibility.
- Reduced message spam during download.
- More reliable download process.
- Downloader connection timeout can be modified (default 5)
-- XC_IpDrv.DownloadTimeout
- Autogenerates config entry in your game INI after downloading a file.
Last edited by Higor on Sat Feb 17, 2018 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: XC_Engine version 21 update

Post by Higor »

XC_Setup: XC tools installer commandlet

The XC_Setup commandlet is a simple unrealscript commandlet that can be
used to easily activate or deactivate some of XC_Engine's components.


As with all other commadlets, UCC is required to run this installer
By running UCC as follows we'll be able to get more info on how it works

UCC.exe help xc_setup

./ucc-bin help xc_setup

The helper shows us a brief description on how to use this commandlet
You must also know that the '-ini=inifile.ini' parameter is valid and
will alter the target ini file on which you'll be applying you changes.


There are 3 modes:
[*] Status
[+] Add
[-] Remove

When you append one of the valid keywords to one of these mode chars
the commandlet will execute the corresponding action associated to
said keyword, the keywords are:


Every parameter except -LOG is processed in the specified order, this
means that we can do various operations on the same keyword.

Example: (inform of editor addons, then install)
"ucc xc_setup *editor +editor"
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Re: XC_Engine version 21 update

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

I'll give this a test run and let ya know how it goes. :D
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Re: XC_Engine version 21 update

Post by sektor2111 »

Can you provide BMP files for "editorres" folder according to new builders, please ?

In Editor at EditActor properties any NavigationPoint is "taken". Why would be taken ? Does any camera takes it ?
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Re: XC_Engine version 21 update

Post by sektor2111 »

I've just figured some warnings (on top of logs heavy to notice).
It's about ServerActor which is better as ServerActor as it is recommended because this

Code: Select all

			if ( ConfigModule.bSpawnServerActor )
				Spawn( class'XC_ServerActor');
Will cause these:

Code: Select all

ScriptWarning: DeathMatchPlus DM-1-on-1_PastDM.DeathMatchPlus0 (Function Engine.GameInfo.IsRelevant:0009) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: DeathMatchPlus DM-1-on-1_PastDM.DeathMatchPlus0 (Function Engine.GameInfo.IsRelevant:0022) Accessed None
Because as an usual ServerActor it will be loaded before relevance check else it will need to pass relevance checks using this

Code: Select all

event PreBeginPlay()
That simple.
However I gotta ask why was necessary spawning in a bad moment ?
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Re: XC_Engine version 21 update

Post by sektor2111 »

And time has come for disabling Collision/Level hook.

Doors in Sk_Godz should KILL any Pawn not locking Bot inside them, else ut_BioRifle from Spawn Location has been gone (I did not see any mad log) around last match (after some minutes) it seems a random occurrence, for completion I saw projectiles still boosting pawns (ANY) from time to time, like before.
Speaking about Monster running around a down-hill way or coming from some stairs are not fixed, they are shown like levitating in a wrong Z location (too high) and sometimes their location is not well replicated not even on X Y. Perhaps Pawn specific replication should stay closer to default - slowing it down doesn't help and it becomes annoying at firing to a wrong spot because monster might be at left or right and worst in ramps. Things are pretty funky also when monster is engaged in melee attack, position goes borked at random - SkaarjWarrior types as a sample noticed. Pawn around player probably has to be replicated more aggressive (maybe default) else location is not well replicated.
The visibility through warp-zones here suffers, pawns on other side visible for a while in UT's default setup, with XCGE are not that much in account - if you don't know map, you cannot figure what threat is about on other side like in default setup - THIS is not that funny.
My relevance ServerActor seems rammed at this point by XCGE for no reason. I set things correctly before and I don't want to remove my stupid toy, because it looks almost useless right now. If my Pawn is bAlwaysRelevant leave it replicated, I'm not messing up with 100 tick-rate which is USELESS speaking about some map effects (smoke, lights, explosions, etc.) pretty much quickly discarded without allowing player to see all of them.
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