[ACE] ACEFileList.txt - Managed WhiteList

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Re: [ACE] ACEFileList.txt - Managed WhiteList

Post by sektor2111 »

TheDane wrote:and this behavior should ofcause not happen in a multiplayer game.
Why not ?
While file is white-listed in txt list, then this file should NEVER be checked in any way if admin is demanding it a good one - as PACKAGE, more than that KICKING ? Do you have any valid evidence about a cheat or your are just kicking player because you can do it to demonstrate your power based on "suspicious activity" ? You have to be kidding... WhiteList feature proves that it just doesn't work as should, end of discussion.
More than that, mutators loaded on purpose by admins why are even checked ? They are part of configuration, if admin wants them, then quit checking them, because "suspicious activity" and "misbehaving" might be deliberated. Statues animated behind transparent walls, dynamic coronas, etc. these are working properly in clients and my choice is Quality not something saying "suspicious activity" without showing clearly where is the cheat or what cheat means that and the need for kicking player.
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Re: [ACE] ACEFileList.txt - Managed WhiteList

Post by anth »

ACE generally does not look at which mods/mutators you have installed on either the server or the client. It only checks what the mods are doing. The general rule is that any unrealscript package that calls functions such as Trace, FastTrace, or DrawTile must be in the UPackages list in the [ACEv10f_S.ACEActor] section of your server's ini file. Adding a mod to the file list is not sufficient (and often not even necessary).

I know that it can be tedious to add UPackages to the list yourself, and there are even cases where the list changes from one game/map to the other. That's why ACE has a server-side AutoConfig tool that tries to automatically build the UPackages list at the start of the game. The fact that you're getting kicked suggests that you found a bug. I suspect that AutoConfig either did not pick up the mod when the game started, or that ACE's checks didn't properly recognize the mod despite the fact that it is in the UPackages list (the latter is what Higor seems to be suggesting, but I was not aware of this problem until now).

You can easily check which of these things happened by looking at the server log. At the start of the game, AutoConfig prints which mods it automatically picked up and added to the list.
If your mod didn't get picked up by AutoConfig, then you can either try to fix AutoConfig yourself (you can find the source code at https://github.com/stijn-volckaert/ACE_AutoConfig ), or you can send me the installation files for the mod, and I'll try to fix it.
If your mod simply didn't get recognized by the ACE checks, then I'll need the mod's installation files to reproduce the bug on my machine.
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Re: [ACE] ACEFileList.txt - Managed WhiteList

Post by sektor2111 »

Point 1) I would like to know how to block a corona if between said corona and player watcher is an obstruction without tracing and taking in account meshes from any kind - in client because of the logic visibility problems. One player is occluded, other is not and should see corona. I listen...
Point 2) If I'm a moron admin and I want XYPackage running - any suspicious activity generated from any offset of such package should be IGNORED especially if it's part of server started delayed or not delayed but definitely being listed in ServerPackages, else that WhiteList is not that useful as expected.

In version H, I listed package in the ini at UPackages[0] (first and single one for testing), to not forget that ACE is crashing when is running first time in some PostBeginPlay code. As for whatever "file write" reasons I had only crash provided by XC_Engine, not really a server.log. One of ACE or XC is not helping with logging at all...
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Re: [ACE] ACEFileList.txt - Managed WhiteList

Post by TheDane »

sektor2111 wrote:
TheDane wrote:and this behavior should ofcause not happen in a multiplayer game.
Why not ?
While file is white-listed in txt list, then this file should NEVER be checked in any way if admin is demanding it a good one - as PACKAGE, more than that KICKING ? Do you have any valid evidence about a cheat or your are just kicking player because you can do it to demonstrate your power based on "suspicious activity" ? You have to be kidding... WhiteList feature proves that it just doesn't work as should, end of discussion.
More than that, mutators loaded on purpose by admins why are even checked ? They are part of configuration, if admin wants them, then quit checking them, because "suspicious activity" and "misbehaving" might be deliberated. Statues animated behind transparent walls, dynamic coronas, etc. these are working properly in clients and my choice is Quality not something saying "suspicious activity" without showing clearly where is the cheat or what cheat means that and the need for kicking player.
Because players should behave the same in a multiplayer game. You can use this exploit to camp behind a corona, the corona will be invisible to you, so you can see what's behind it, but for an oponent further away you will be hidden behind the corona. Cheat.
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Re: [ACE] ACEFileList.txt - Managed WhiteList

Post by sektor2111 »

TheDane wrote:, so you can see what's behind it, but for an oponent further away you will be hidden behind the corona. Cheat.
False ? I'm talking about player/decoration In Front of corona, second player being blinded and... HE CAN DISABLE coronas after all. Not once in old times spent in servers players were asking me how to entirely disable coronas. Because mappers went "creative" making them HUGE and they can be seen through Titans, masking them, and doing a player-kill fest. And... I will cap this crap at once with NOT using ACE.
Perhaps is hard to see that link - that's why you don't get what's going on - so I will copy images here.
This is "original" map - an edit for a lightning demo:

And here is the same position after mutator summoning.
The question is: Who is able to hide behind corona ? And why do you think I cannot Turn them OFF anyway ? These are under client-side control exactly in U..T...ini file :| .
Where is the cheat in these images ? What is the problem then for MonsterHunt ? - Titan will ban you ? Or a pupae because is retarded ?

And like I said and I will repeat this until everyone will understand: WHY a file WhiteListed is causing a kick without claiming a VALID CHEATING TOOL used ? Package.Class.State was issued so ACE knows the evil source but it still does a kick without any cheating evidence - I won't say that I was alone, and then I don't get where is the cheat. Am I cheating against myself... ? And I tried to put package in all possible locations.
Instead of talking about un-existent cheats, I would like to see a valid solution. Until to see a team-work, version "2" will include Translucent actors - those should not block a light (in my logic). My MH ground will be a good looking one, so I won't remove mutators for supposed cheats.
To not forget to repeat, EACH client has it's OWN task here toward rendering - that code is executed ONLY by client, each client has it's own execution depending on location in Level. This is indeed a misbehaving but... it's ORDERED by a ServerPackage. As for personal fun, client tweaks which I'm planing to do for improving game visual things won't stop here, I have cleaned some nasty water-fog, I disabled "ICE-zones" - that sliding stupidity, I made light for poor client fighting in the dark, I brought other dynamic coronas like burning fires, I moved movers which weren't opening properly and changing their key-frames in run-time, also I removed useless doors heading nowhere, etc. At this moment I wrote a lot of craps for NavAdder getting results as expected. Do you think I have plans to remove them after using them for years and being more happy than in 2008-2009 ?
Else I can go in other direction, EDITING maps, which mappers are not really loving... even if in 2019 DevPath is X times better than in 2005 and I know how to do real One-Way paths - lights, very helpful in MonsterHunt.
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Re: [ACE] ACEFileList.txt - Managed WhiteList

Post by TheDane »

sektor2111 wrote:
TheDane wrote:, so you can see what's behind it, but for an oponent further away you will be hidden behind the corona. Cheat.
False ? I'm talking about player/decoration In Front of corona, second player being blinded and... HE CAN DISABLE coronas after all. Not once in old times spent in servers players were asking me how to entirely disable coronas. Because mappers went "creative" making them HUGE and they can be seen through Titans, masking them, and doing a player-kill fest. And... I will cap this crap at once with NOT using ACE.
Perhaps is hard to see that link - that's why you don't get what's going on - so I will copy images here.
This is "original" map - an edit for a lightning demo:

And here is the same position after mutator summoning.
The question is: Who is able to hide behind corona ? And why do you think I cannot Turn them OFF anyway ? These are under client-side control exactly in U..T...ini file :| .
Where is the cheat in these images ? What is the problem then for MonsterHunt ? - Titan will ban you ? Or a pupae because is retarded ?

And like I said and I will repeat this until everyone will understand: WHY a file WhiteListed is causing a kick without claiming a VALID CHEATING TOOL used ? Package.Class.State was issued so ACE knows the evil source but it still does a kick without any cheating evidence - I won't say that I was alone, and then I don't get where is the cheat. Am I cheating against myself... ? And I tried to put package in all possible locations.
Instead of talking about un-existent cheats, I would like to see a valid solution. Until to see a team-work, version "2" will include Translucent actors - those should not block a light (in my logic). My MH ground will be a good looking one, so I won't remove mutators for supposed cheats.
To not forget to repeat, EACH client has it's OWN task here toward rendering - that code is executed ONLY by client, each client has it's own execution depending on location in Level. This is indeed a misbehaving but... it's ORDERED by a ServerPackage. As for personal fun, client tweaks which I'm planing to do for improving game visual things won't stop here, I have cleaned some nasty water-fog, I disabled "ICE-zones" - that sliding stupidity, I made light for poor client fighting in the dark, I brought other dynamic coronas like burning fires, I moved movers which weren't opening properly and changing their key-frames in run-time, also I removed useless doors heading nowhere, etc. At this moment I wrote a lot of craps for NavAdder getting results as expected. Do you think I have plans to remove them after using them for years and being more happy than in 2008-2009 ?
Else I can go in other direction, EDITING maps, which mappers are not really loving... even if in 2019 DevPath is X times better than in 2005 and I know how to do real One-Way paths - lights, very helpful in MonsterHunt.
Yes those coronas does indeed look much better :tu:
But if you manage to get it to work with ACE, please don't release the code to public, it can be turned to "the dark side " quite easily :wink:
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Re: [ACE] ACEFileList.txt - Managed WhiteList

Post by Higor »

Higor wrote:
Higor wrote:None of the above.
ACE cannot accurately apply whitelisting to state code, rebuild the tweak to not call illegal functions rooted from state code. (Trace, Draw, etc)
Am I not clear enough?
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Re: [ACE] ACEFileList.txt - Managed WhiteList

Post by sektor2111 »

sektor2111 wrote:And like I said and I will repeat this until everyone will understand: WHY a file WhiteListed is causing a kick without claiming a VALID CHEATING TOOL used ? Package.Class.State was issued so ACE knows the evil source
If ACE has described in my console log where a code do looks bad, it should NOT KICK then if package is an exception - Why kicking if it's a package sent from server ? Am I clear enough ? ACE from server did not informed client about "permissions" and then...
Not using Trace is not my answer as long as I just learned how to improve game for client. ACE is not at first blabbering after all...
What I've got here is not what I call Development - it's a limitation... these client things are not network exhaustive and they do work properly, and to not forget - HINT ME how the code should be then, if trace is nasty.
TheDane wrote: But if you manage to get it to work with ACE, please don't release the code to public, it can be turned to "the dark side " quite easily :wink:
EPIC already shared more inspiration to not forget "mods" already done that can be modified, I don't need to post mod-names and people's names getting busy to modify them + latest cheats bypassing ACE. In other words they have cheats for sales making money from ruining UT. The question is: After ruining UT with cheats and craps, what anything else will be next for sales ? And then why they just don't skip messing in UT directly to next goal ?
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Re: [ACE] ACEFileList.txt - Managed WhiteList

Post by anth »

Just to re-iterate:
- ACE only reported suspicious activity. It did not claim that you were cheating.
- It is and always has been my intention to give admins the option to run whatever mod they want on their servers, as long as they configure ACE correctly. ACE does not actively try to prevent certain mods from running just because they behave like cheats.

That being said, the problem that you were seeing was caused by a problem in my unrealscript protection (which Higor pointed out). It will be fixed in the next release.
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Re: [ACE] ACEFileList.txt - Managed WhiteList

Post by sektor2111 »

Thank you very much, Sir !
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Re: [ACE] ACEFileList.txt - Managed WhiteList

Post by Gonzales »

Some whitelist entries are required:

1) a beta D3D11 renderer by Kentie (04.10.2009)

Code: Select all

D3D11DRV.DLL		46592		8C264210DAE353360579DD003A9EE3E1	Kentie D3D11 Renderer Beta
2) a new D3D11 Renderer by darknovismc based on the above Kentie's renderer (01.10.2019):
https://www.moddb.com/mods/unreal-direc ... une-and-dx
https://www.epicgames.com/unrealtournam ... ation-hdao

Code: Select all

D3D11DRV.DLL		76288		173D3FD0E693FC8CB9460493BD1DA9E8	Kentie/darknovismc D3D11 Renderer
3) a problem with XOpenGL renderer (https://www.oldunreal.com/cgi-bin/yabb2 ... 1453909937) from [ACE] ACEFileList.txt - it 's not added properly, because one of the renderer's files has been forgotten to be added onto the whitelist, and without this file you are being kicked from server by ACE when using XOpenGL renderer or higher, because this file is included with and higher versions:

Code: Select all

WINDRV.DLL		202752		B3D8C9E28DFD73B6A961C197D6BE6FFD	OldUnreal XOpenGLDrv v1.0.0.2 -
4) some comments are wrong, some D3D renderers are labaled as UTGLR (Open GL) renderers

Code: Select all

D3D8DRV.DLL		110592		0BC5B2F6A53D6C5E17E5622AB9765F3E	UTGLR v0.9 BETA Renderer
D3D8DRV.DLL		110592		DD74AE3A857D64DD1F641ACD4FB3F369	UTGLR v1.0 Renderer
D3D8DRV.DLL		110592		E68AF5C7E406BAE1F01A0A011797686B	UTGLR v1.1 Renderer
D3D8DRV.DLL		110592		8BC4B954A8DD4930833B398922FF9D25	UTGLR v1.2 Renderer
D3D8DRV.DLL		229376		42FE5EC6B02259B4347B9BD1C60F8DAD	UTGLR v1.3 Renderer
D3D8DRV.DLL		229376		73F47A9EEE2DF2F5788EF154817DDA8E	UTGLR v1.4 Renderer
D3D9.DLL		92672		4A38D8E602FB41F67DB768A09514C72A	ENBSeries Generic v0.0.76
D3D9DRV.DLL		245760		7083099DE019B818719095A6A6704DF8	UTGLR v1.0 Renderer
D3D9DRV.DLL		232448		1A60D098A23E563E03B9671E10ABBE5F	UTGLR v1.1 Renderer
D3D9DRV.DLL		219648		9331ACBF3268356301CCC8B1714F3899	UTGLR v1.2 Renderer
D3D9DRV.DLL		232960		821A077C6A60C930B3CBF80492D83D0E	UTGLR v1.3 Renderer
For example here is OpenGL already labeled as OpenGL:

Code: Select all

OPENGLDRV.DLL		139264		33A25616FEF459B5265DF2838AAAA1FA	UTGLR v1.1 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		151552		383B315812102D0E5B75A3E7F23270BA	UTGLR v1.2 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		155648		19FDE83C415213B9A8D22DC8AE2FB871	UTGLR v1.3 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		176128		2F16E3A2248A7B577BA3F7ECC9B47966	UTGLR v1.4 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		176128		55DF3A34B4045D89796F6AD006C89D76	UTGLR v1.5 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		176128		B1E99CC9AC03D8301C9531903C36E114	UTGLR v1.6 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		176128		94049230E9CAA3A26A186898BC366A86	UTGLR v1.7 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		176128		641967416B909AE082A0253C383BA4DE	UTGLR v1.8 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		176128		DB5518BAE97D99EB52AA6FF6A6FEF632	UTGLR v1.9 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		184320		F1006E03E715EFA229C95431ABE640B3	UTGLR v2.0 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		180224		50E253BF4B60A1611A131BCD94322C96	UTGLR v2.1 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		176128		1C447F439BC534E7671E6737D979267D	UTGLR v2.2 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		176128		7B6A2E9538EF6F2F5AEAC77FCD95044C	UTGLR v2.3 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		176128		87ACF9591EAEFCA2E7B5098A7C65A705	UTGLR v2.4 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		176128		EB776EEE0AC09EC1820454EEA78FF576	UTGLR v2.5 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		167936		9D6E6232AB45F83932D15FD397D3E245	UTGLR v2.6 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		118784		34081D06B66C3A739C2C95B0C308C0FD	UTGLR v2.7 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		118784		F32E11D9CF639186D1A31FF75804DF97	UTGLR v2.8 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		122880		26C28AAC2B3D9FE803225EB582DA827C	UTGLR v2.9 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		122880		946718A9F62780F43DEB2F1983AF701C	UTGLR v3.0 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		122880		6FEB03B33335F81D6DF03502B2E13A83	UTGLR v3.1 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		122880		FB373215354824D98A26D73842B1FD59	UTGLR v3.2 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		131072		74DB402A74B226F5671BB89B76D9DD5B	UTGLR v3.3 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		258048		34CA1307A6883810B338109FC94154C5	UTGLR v3.4 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		243712		C486450B42CD77160E0C356006FE917A	UTGLR v3.5 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		243200		84E4F2EA2E1F146D1255C63BB84830AC	UTGLR v3.6 Renderer
OPENGLDRV.DLL		192512		7B9351D51247E4DD3C7A27C5A6487FF3	UTGLR v3.7 Renderer
5) seems some players (already 4 different players / IP / different PCs) gets false kicked by ACE because of relics.u:

Code: Select all

RELICS.U		453755		8C45B948D85A5606680B8CC0565984B9	??? (4 players kicked)
As seen, the above's relics.u is another relics.u which should be whitelisted and put together with the others relics.u which are already on the ACE's whitelist:

Code: Select all

RELICS.U		455350		4C7DAF2874C5F9D3235F92D2D4CBE652	UT v432 GOTY
RELICS.U		455370		5A0D66FE807CEB998BBE1854DC99BE7B	UT v436 Std
Don't ask me where the new relics.u does come from, already tried to google it, even downloaded several UT versions, but gave up, so someone else has to find this out.
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Re: [ACE] ACEFileList.txt - Managed WhiteList

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

Bumping this thread. Updated first post.

EDIT: Another updated list will be coming today. :facepalm:
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Re: [ACE] ACEFileList.txt - Managed WhiteList

Post by Zah »

Hello, I'm new here so excuse me if the issue has already been reported somewhere (I did search but I may have missed): can we get the files from this HD retexturing project whitelisted https://sites.google.com/view/unrealhdt ... d-textures? Game looks really great with them.
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Re: [ACE] ACEFileList.txt - Managed WhiteList

Post by RocketJedi »

Zah wrote: Tue Oct 06, 2020 12:46 pm Hello, I'm new here so excuse me if the issue has already been reported somewhere (I did search but I may have missed): can we get the files from this HD retexturing project whitelisted https://sites.google.com/view/unrealhdt ... d-textures? Game looks really great with them.
This is cool. I would have the server admin white list them for now until Anth can confirm they are legit or add to his signed list
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Re: [ACE] ACEFileList.txt - Managed WhiteList

Post by anth »

The skins in the HD 3.0.4 texture pack and the unknown relics.u are now on the list.
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