XC_Engine megathread

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Re: XC_Engine megathread

Post by sektor2111 »

Then I am requesting a boolean variable in newer builder called bUsePruning... I believe it's self explanatory... I have a bunch of maps edits without these bPruned and... Titans Patroling, Warlords Capturing Flags and nothing has exploded in the bathroom... By adding Range option for me this builder will have a value of more than 10 jewels. Maybe you can help with a "manual override" control. Add, Edit, Delete - with required reachSpecs wrapping. I'm 200% sure you can do it. Why Manual Control ? I think I can manage the never mapped anywhere reachflag R_DOOR - I know what is about... and perhaps some monsters won't be so dumb trying to get on unauthorized areas - except "big brained" ones. In some UTCoop, MonsterHunt, MonsterArena we might have a good Bot Support without to make a mess with Monsters leaving their rooms. For me time has come to forget default Paths Builder from UT Editor.
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Re: XC_Engine megathread

Post by Higor »

I may have to solve the monsters + doors issue using the event chain system instead, a simple flag on the reachSpec is not enough to measure the state of a mover that can do anything.
Custom behaviour on paths may require an unrealscript callback, gotta meditate over that.
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Re: XC_Engine megathread

Post by sektor2111 »

Higor wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 6:50 pm a simple flag on the reachSpec is not enough to measure the state of a mover that can do anything
Yes and no depending on combat situation, a closer creature is Hunting - ignoring paths and charging at Player directly, if creature is far away and player is retreating out of sight such a reachflag for a low brained monster will cause a path lock. Condition is if creature cannot open doors (just a bool and nothing with Player doors - they are not very logically connected) won't pass this flag. Majority of doors are BT_PlayerBump and then... flag won't stop a Skaarj to try forcing door unsuccessful but... not all souls are bunching in spot. Of course this is not a real Map situation (not yet...) but I think it worth adding options for future, maybe some people will have a clue what to do and "how to" for guiding Pawns how they want, spreading troopers, smarts on the right, stupids on the left - even switching sides based on... daylight, lol. R_DOOR reachFlag can be used as a timer hint - a pointer - switching happens here between 1:00am 10:00am, changing path property in run-time, not a complete lock but Player Lock or Monster Lock not for everyone like a BlockedPath - of course options here are... countless.
So far I cannot expect a team-work here with some mappers but... maybe in time a bad-ass mapping team will show up and options are good if are ready to use.
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Re: XC_Engine megathread

Post by Higor »

Since v469 includes LibCurl (and Linux has it by default in most setups) I went on to make XC_IpDrv process HTTPS redirects using LibCurl... it was a tremendous success.
Not easily portable to IpDrv due to how XC_IpDrv uses asynchronous downloader+decompressor code, but the possibility is there.
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Re: XC_Engine megathread

Post by sektor2111 »

Keep in mind those issues at decompressing UZ files, this problem is a critical one as long as nobody can ever play... Last time I wasn't capable to play MA-Crimson due to some "TLabskies.utx" whatever file unable to get decompressed - and heck knows how many are just useless UZ junks. I did not try yet other UZ buffer for the UZ toy which Buggie did... but I disabled redirect for the moment as long as it's not helping anyway - XC_Engine is a sort of redirect after all. Another time will check more, first I need to examine carefully my workstation as long as lasts days it has strange reactions (Power-Source, HDD, Memory, etc. ), but that's another subject.
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