Useful Aliases for MonsterHunt

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Useful Aliases for MonsterHunt

Post by Buggie »

Here few aliases whuch useful when you play in MonsterHunt:

1. Fire with rocket pack when need. All other time fire with instant rocket. Sometimes very useful. Especially with bpak rockets.
Aliases[27]=(Command="setinstantrocket 0 | fire | Button bFire | onrelease setinstantrocket 1",Alias="Instant")

2. Switch to translocator and tele to previous leaved TransPad fast as possible. Need bind to key. For use press and Hold keyboard key until not translocate. Not work with mouse button.
Aliases[28]=(Command="GetWeapon Translocator | GetWeapon TranslocatorSB | Button bAltFire |AltFire",Alias="supertranstoggle")
Very useful when you need fast escape. For example you can fire with redemeer, hold save button and translocate before damage wall from explosion reach you.
Or during attack you can leave battle field immediately.

3. Impact jump. Not automated and not very useful in MH, but any case listed here.
Aliases[29]=(Command="getweapon ImpactHammer | Button bFire | Fire | OnRelease Jump",Alias="IHjump")

4. View only humans.
Aliases[24]=(Command="ViewClass PlayerPawn",Alias="ViewPlayers")

5. view only Monsters. Very useful for spectators which try find last monsters on map and not iterate over all BitterFishes, Birds, HorseFlies and others not related Pawns.
Aliases[24]=(Command="ViewClass ScriptedPawn",Alias="ViewMonsters")
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Re: Useful Aliases for MonsterHunt

Post by sektor2111 »

I'm curious about Log File size in case of #5, not all mods are supporting this Super Duper "feature". I do not use spectating for MH in any way. Maps are sorted and everything tested not just added. Maps with monsters hidden well are just annoying, you are in MH for working "with your teammates to hunt down monsters" and not crawling like you don't play a 3d shooter game. The fact is, if monster is somewhere in a tiny box, even if you can see it you won't always be capable to find it without opening Map in Editor and looking for hunting options. I'm talking from experience not from assumptions.
As a sample, you can look all day long at DevilFishies in map MH-GXech, there is no way to get them - unless you do something as a hackish injection in map.

I'm curious what is doable at Monster Level, I want more tactics from them, Player soon will have even a whore for relaxing and making game out of challenge.
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