Player names with space

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Player names with space

Post by Barbie »

I have no idea about this: if a player with a name with a space character logs in, the game controller's event PreLogin() only receives the part until the first space:

server's log:

Code: Select all

NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server MyLevel accept
Open MyLevel Mon Oct 30 18:39:56 2023
NotifyAcceptingChannel Control 0 server Level MH-(MHA)MemorysOfNapali-FirstPart.MyLevel: Accepted
Level server received: HELLO REVISION=0 MINVER=432 VER=469
Level server received: NETSPEED 20000
Client netspeed is 20000
Level server received: LOGIN RESPONSE=1740853597 URL=Index.unr?Name=This is a test user?Class=BotPack.TFemale1?team=0?skin=FCommandoSkins_Negaverse_Titus.ttus?Face=FCommandoSkins_Negaverse_T
Client passed challenge
Login request: Index.unr?Name=This
MH-(MHA)MemorysOfNapali-FirstPart.MonsterHuntSB0.PreLogin: Options='?Name=This'
Server's OS is Linux, UT is 469d RC2

clients's log:

Code: Select all

Log: LoadMap: is a test user?Class=BotPack.TFemale1?team=0?skin=FCommandoSkins_Negaverse_Titus.ttus?Face=FCommandoSkins_Negaverse_Titus.titus?Voice=BotPack.VoiceFemaleTwo?OverrideClass=
DevMusic: ALAudio: StopMusic: Music Uttitle.Uttitle
Init: Shut down moving brush tracker for Level CityIntro.MyLevel
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Unloading: Package CityIntro
Log: Unloading: Package city
Log: Unloading: Package ArenaTex
Log: Unloading: Package RainFX
Log: Unloading: Package DecayedS
Log: Unloading: Package openingwave
Log: Unloading: Package Uttitle
Log: Garbage: objects: 34142->33270; refs: 577790
Log: Bringing Level MH-(MHA)MemorysOfNapali-FirstPart.MyLevel up for play (312)...
Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport WindowsViewport0
ScriptLog: Team 0
ScriptLog: Login: This is a test user
Because PreLogin() is the first what is called in game controller at a login, the unmodified option line should arrive there but obviously it doesn't. Is this maybe a problem of the operating system while passing the command line to UCC?
Clients's OS is Windows, UT is 469d RC2

EDIT: exchanged QUOTE by CODE tags to avoid unwanted line breaks
EDIT2: added Operation systems and UT versions
Last edited by Barbie on Tue Oct 31, 2023 9:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Player names with space

Post by Delacroix »

I never tested this but did UT99 start accepting player names with spaces in them in 469 or what? Because on 436 or UTPG patches that never happened. Hell, the only time I do remember spaces accepted is in UT Beta v222... o.O And I'm not particularly sure about that either.

Bots had spaces in their names there at least, whereas in retail UT they didn't. So how did players with space names pop up all of a sudden?
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Re: Player names with space

Post by JackGriffin »

True spaces are hard stops, at least in pre-469 stuff, across the board. I don't think there is a way around it in the older versions because I tried everything I could think of to make it work. I had this idea I could ID people by generating a unique identifier for a joining player and then adding that to the entries on their UT.ini that could be edited by the server. A series of spaces added to multiple lines could embed a unique numerical identifier (with checksums even) that was invisible to anyone looking at the ini even in something like Notepad++. I could manually add the spaces to the end of the legit line in the ini but could never get the engine to return them. I really really wanted this to work and I spent a ton of time trying but without external help I could find no way to do it. Once the engine hits a true space it stops and returns.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
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