New map: Waste Tunnel (AS, CTF and DOM)

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New map: Waste Tunnel (AS, CTF and DOM)

Post by bb_drac »


New map is released for original UT, AS, CTF and DOM called Waste Tunnel.
It is open with long range sight for snipers and it is all about defense. Hold your line or fail :D
Loads of info in the included txt file.

Let me know what you think...

All files are in the zip container.
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Re: New map: Waste Tunnel (AS, CTF and DOM)

Post by EvilGrins »

I just downloaded every map there.
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Re: New map: Waste Tunnel (AS, CTF and DOM)

Post by GenMoKai »

WOW! that really look awesome with those simple textures. Love the oldskool
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Re: New map: Waste Tunnel (AS, CTF and DOM)

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medor wrote:There is lag zone .. try with slv.
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Re: New map: Waste Tunnel (AS, CTF and DOM)

Post by bb_drac »

@ GenMoKai
Thanks :)

The map will lag for some as it is a long tunnel (probably 15000+ uu from start to end) with 1400+ brushes and you can more or less see from one side to the other.
It works fine on my own lappy from 2007 but experience slight lag here and there.
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Re: New map: Waste Tunnel (AS, CTF and DOM)

Post by Creavion »

I guess the only thing about this map I really do not like at all: The lighting!
BORING! Only white! Otherwise the concept of the map looks really well thought out and it really feels fresh and interesting! Same applies for the layout, I think the map is very fun to play. But like I said, the lighting... uhh :tongue:
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Re: New map: Waste Tunnel (AS, CTF and DOM)

Post by Dr.Flay »

It has a classic UT look. Reminds be of a combination of a couple of classic maps.
I agree about the lighting.
It looks like the lights have been switched on for the cleaning crew to come in and prepare for the next match.

Can't try it yet, but it looks good for some zombie mayhem.
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Re: New map: Waste Tunnel (AS, CTF and DOM)

Post by Higor »

Played it on all gametypes including Team Game Plus (domination map).

Classic styled, almost symetrical design, edges with different textures.
Lighting that let's one simply shoot at what he sees without making his brain process extra information.
Coronas are a bit annoying, I'm not saying they shouldn't be there, but a 33% size reduction wouldn't be half bad.
For a tunnel map, you did a very good job making it hard for sniper campers and shock hoes to gain advantage. Playing with biorifle, minigun and pulse gun is actually a choice to be considered.

Team Game Plus.
It perfectly gets a 10/10 for me, it's the kind of map I prefer to play and design.
16+ player capacity, separate moderate size battle grounds preventing the map into becoming a monster kill blender in a single hot spot (take Phobos as example) and giving you the chance to frag when you're not in the same zone as the nearly unbeatable player which most matches seem to have.

Seriuosly puts translocator and evasion skills in test, zones are appropiately separated and balanced.
Funny enough, unlike most maps, it's the middle control point that's easier to camp/hold, though maybe it was me and my 2 BotZ teammates making that happen during the 4-team test session.

The player limit is well thought, anything above 12 makes it nearly impossible to reach the destination (maybe I should have typed "kick Loque" on that one).
Didn't open it on Unreal Editor, but noticed that Bots defend right next to the objective, while BotZ try go ahead and kill attackers in mid path.
Leaving bots aside, on a 12 player match, you're bound to find a camper (the worst kind of them) on the defending team, I would suggest giving the attackers one SniperRifle + Bullet box on both sides at the start, it's really needed against those.

Capture the flag.
Given the player count parameters, it's a good map, the flag carrier is always in danger and must be covered in order to successfully capture.
One of the keys to winning in this map are defenders, if they advance positions and hold, the other team is screwed.
Shock rifle pushing can be used to it's full extent here, I like it.
Powerups being in middle is good IMO, you have no idea how many times I got fed up of redeemer/amp hoggers camping their base entrance (won't mention specific maps), if you want powerups here, take the risks.
I did notice that with extra players, it becomes extremely difficult/impossible to reach the enemy flag , that is why wide open CTF maps should always have one or more tactical routes (and I don't mean straight paths from one flag to another :wink: ).
My suggestion to make it playable on higher player counts: the map is basically divided in 7 sections, on each wall separating them, substract the upper zones.
That would allow stealthier translocator attacking.

Generally speaking the map is great and an obvious choice (at least for me) in any MapVote.
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Re: New map: Waste Tunnel (AS, CTF and DOM)

Post by bb_drac »

Thanks for all the feedback and it's obvious that lighting is, as Creavion put it, boring :)
I didn't design the map with light in mind and focused only on playability with most weight towards assault.
The bland lighting comes as a result from wanting to have clear and long visibility but if that is the only
real negative about it then I'm happy ;)

Thanks Higor for that detailed review of the map(s), appreciate it :)

You should have seen it before I put teleporters in place... hehe, you would not be able to camp or defend the middle control point.
It shifted the whole thing around, for the better, with teleporters.

I have added two bulletboxes to allow a more depth strategy for attackers.
Had it at first but removed it as I didn't want attackers to camp around, but you point out a real problem.

Bots will go to forward positions but the first two, highest pri, are close to the objective.
Noticed the same as you pointed out but that happen because the attacking player/team is pushing forward.
Only when there is time/room will they actually stand there and pick at oncoming players or fall back which
in my mind is a good thing.

I'm testing the maps, and others, with your botz to see how they do :D

Capture the Flag.
Specific flaws is present as the map was made mainly for assault.
There is always room for improvement and you have several good points there.
I made the map with possible future expansion in mind and those ideas are quite doable.
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Re: New map: Waste Tunnel (AS, CTF and DOM)

Post by iloveut99 »

Hello the map is nice, I wonder if (talking about ctf version):
-the lag can me removed someway?
-"the flag could end up being strandend by the sides of the tunnel until it reset automatically." can be fixed? (automatically move flag to base?)

Besides this good job. ;)
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Re: New map: Waste Tunnel (AS, CTF and DOM)

Post by bb_drac »

I'm looking into both issues but I don't want to remodel too much.
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