ACE player for package that shouldn't be resident

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ACE player for package that shouldn't be resident

Post by ShaiHulud »

I've just noticed something strange in the log for our BT server. There's a record of an ACE kick for an "Illegal UFunction Call", but the call originates from a package that isn't loaded by the BT server - and in fact is a ServerPackage on our CTF server.

I looked at the log for the CTF server, and I can see that the same player was on the CTF server today (although the timestamp would indicate that he was on the CTF server some hours after his visit to the BT server - but the system clock doesn't always appear to be set correctly on these rented hosts).

So what happened here? Does the UT client fail to unload packages when connecting to a new server under some circumstances? I don't know what other conclusion I can draw. And if so, is this something that I'm culpable for? Is there some obvious scripting error that might cause the client to keep the package resident in the VM when not intended?
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Re: ACE player for package that shouldn't be resident

Post by Chamberly »

So what happened here? Does the UT client fail to unload packages when connecting to a new server under some circumstances?
This sound familiar to me for a situation I'm aware of.

-Player 1 is on Server 1 using ACE version 1 (for example, Idr what version)
-Player 1 didn't connect from Server 1, instead, connected to Server 2. This cause the file not to be unloaded properly. (More likely the .dll file, maybe not)
-Player 1 got ACE kick because of an ACE mismatch or something like that.

That's all I know so far...
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Re: ACE player for package that shouldn't be resident

Post by nogardilaref »

Generally packages should be unloaded, all actors garbage-collected, etc, be it a server or level change, they're pretty much identical iirc.

But not all packages are unloaded of course, such as the very packages you started with for example, the core stuff responsible to run UT in the first place.
Having that said, it wouldn't be too hard to imagine, given how poorly garbage-collection works in UT (among other things), that if the server happens to send a package to be loaded on the client, and if that package somehow manages to create an object to which an already loaded core object references, that such package won't get unloaded until such reference disappears somehow.

Which exactly is the package and the "illegal" function it tried to call btw (class and function name)?
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Re: ACE player for package that shouldn't be resident

Post by ShaiHulud »

Thanks for the replies. The callstack looks like:

[ACEv08h]: Callee0......: Function Engine.PlayerPawn.PostRender
[ACEv08h]: Callee1......: Function Nexgen112.NexgenHUDWrapperT.PostRender
[ACEv08h]: Callee2......: Function Botpack.ChallengeCTFHUD.PostRender
[ACEv08h]: Callee3......: Function Botpack.ChallengeHUD.PostRender
[ACEv08h]: Callee4......: Function SmartCTF_4E.SmartCTFServerInfo.RenderInfo <<<
[ACEv08h]: Callee5......: Function SmartCTF_4E.SmartCTFServerInfo.DrawContactInfo
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Re: ACE player for package that shouldn't be resident

Post by sektor2111 »

On-Fly travel from server A to server B was never a good thing. Botpack exist in both servers (perhaps Nexgen too) but they were using different instances of child classes, CTF and BT HUD are not the same... XCGE already removes dangerous references from a previous load but... Player probably doesn't use it and... is too lazy to restart UT and then... is Getting Lost - by ACE... Nothing unusual.
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Re: ACE player for package that shouldn't be resident

Post by ShaiHulud »

Thanks for the confirmation, I suspected it was probably something like that.
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